Throwawaycuzawkward t1_j1gmvmg wrote
Reply to comment by Brief_Employee_1144 in Moved my router by Brief_Employee_1144
Let's fix this right now:
Where is your Cable modem and what is plugged Directly into it? Other than than the coax?
Really, Imma end this problem right now.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_j1gl1hp wrote
Reply to comment by Brief_Employee_1144 in Moved my router by Brief_Employee_1144
I assume you added this patch panel when you built the house? If I was your cable provider, that would be my incoming coax. That's your cable internet provision.
The white cable is called "COAX", all the blue wire coming into the back of that panel are Cat5e - which again, is perfectly fine for transmission of speeds up to 1G.
That coax - despite what Comcast might tell you is good for speeds up to... a very much lot ;) But they'll only say 1G.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_j1gkmev wrote
Reply to comment by Brief_Employee_1144 in Moved my router by Brief_Employee_1144
Let me back up; To be clear, I am a network engineer. Let me ask what I would ask a client: What are you trying to accomplish here? You said you "cut cable". What does that mean? What is your maximum provider speed?
The thing is: Wifi 5, even without obstruction will, in the real world, limit you to 100Mbs. People will tell you otherwise; I work in the real world. You will get 50-60Mbs. Fine for streaming.
Wifi 6, through a not-brick wall will easily give you 400Mbs.
The category of cabling to ANY device only matters if you are:
Over 300 ft at 1Gbps (With Cat5e). Over 150 Ft at 1+Gbs with anthing other than Cat6.
I just built a 10Gbps firewall over 130 ft of Cat6 cabling with NO hinderance.
I could have used fiber, but I wanted to TRY copper.
You should have no limitations.
Let me know what you need help with.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_j1gjtda wrote
Reply to comment by Throwawaycuzawkward in Moved my router by Brief_Employee_1144
To be sure: You can but any Cat5 or Cat6 cable. It won't matter unless you have distances more than 300 ft.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_j1gjpi5 wrote
Reply to comment by Brief_Employee_1144 in Moved my router by Brief_Employee_1144
You have Ethernet, friend-o! That's the back-side of a 10 port ethernet patch panel.
Mind sharing the front side?
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_j1giidn wrote
Reply to Moved my router by Brief_Employee_1144
OK, so this is all wunderbar! Yes, the coax to your TV cable box and your cable modem are NOT the same thing -but that's a whole other thing (literally for media (i.e. the actual cable), they are the same thing. for transport, they are not).
CAT5E is basic Category Five Ethernet, it works for phone and Ethernet because it covers all the pin-outs your phone (your RJ-11 vs RJ-45 plugins) uses and YOUR actual ethernet connection. AND ... AND you will see no upgraded speed by changing to actual commerical grade Cat6 or Cat6e, because you aren't going to get more than gig anyway.
You've done great.
Get wifi6 and Upgrade your internet access, because it's not 2010. :) I can pull 600Mbps off my phone on my comcast connection at 4pm.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_j0nnhda wrote
Reply to comment by ertygvbn in Shawnee State Park, Ohio (OC, 3024 x 4032) by ertygvbn
Seeing the election maps from the midterms I believe it ;)
But, in the same way whenever I've been to big cities on the East Coast they believe the State of Washington is Alaska, I don't believe there aren't parts of the Eastern Seaboard that aren't 10K people per square mile.
But then, I also don't believe in ghosts, and YET, I still choose believe the Appalachian Mountains are haunted.
And it's still a great picture.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_j0nmcne wrote
Reply to Shawnee State Park, Ohio (OC, 3024 x 4032) by ertygvbn
I live in the Pacific Northwest, and even though the East Coast seems WAY more crowded than here, I've always somehow seen the Appalachians as way more mysterious and desolate than the Cascades.
I dunno if it's because they're geologically older, or because of the ghost stories surrounding them, but regardless, they seem so old.
I really like this pic, it really carries what I think of when I think of the Appalachians.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_iy0e20i wrote
Reply to Somebody’s having a bad day by Teddybru
If there are two words not meant to be used together in a sentence, they are "Boat" and "Fire".
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixz59mr wrote
Reply to Straight porn makes you 50% gay because you masturbate to a naked man and woman. by [deleted]
Finding sex hot doesn't make you 'gay'.
We can talk about this if you want.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixuqytl wrote
OK, Now tell me about the hair bands.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixrswyw wrote
Reply to There are entire generations of cats who don't associate the electric can opener with mealtime by SnoopThereItIs88
I'm sorry that you are confused.
The means of production is owned by the cats.
Karl Marx wasn't talking about people.
But the cats would like to say "Thank you" for your futile efforts.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixnk004 wrote
Reply to comment by No-Ferret7004 in TIL that ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, and giraffes, do not have a top row of front teeth. They instead have a dental pad where gums meet directly to their bottom row of front teeth. by gmnitsua
Not for nothing, a tapir a day is a smile a day.
I live in Washington State. My introduction to Tapirs was baby Kudzu at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium.
I ken their teeth are weird. But they're so cute.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixmvbt0 wrote
You didn't break your mom. But you did fuck up.
I want to spend two paragraphs telling you how depression lies to you.
I almost died. I lived through it. But no one can tell you that but you.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixkleqc wrote
Reply to Hood Canal, WA [OC][4032x3024] by modelbuilder365
Somewhere between the Cascade Mountains and the Pacific Ocean is the conflagration of Weather and Mother Nature.
I have the t-shirt from the eruption of Mt. St. Helens when I was 2 months old. I've lived through three major earthquakes. These mud flats in the sound our the thing we grow up knowing.
I can smell the tide flats of the Puyallup when I drive to work in the morning.
There's not Sound like the Puget Sound.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixkcqqc wrote
Reply to comment by gmnitsua in TIL that ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, and giraffes, do not have a top row of front teeth. They instead have a dental pad where gums meet directly to their bottom row of front teeth. by gmnitsua
It would seem, but it's still a tapir. As adults they human-like teeth.
But they are still amazing little mammals who mean no harm to no one.
They just have human teeth. Which is un-avoidably weird.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixk7ybf wrote
Reply to TIL that ruminants, such as cattle, sheep, and giraffes, do not have a top row of front teeth. They instead have a dental pad where gums meet directly to their bottom row of front teeth. by gmnitsua
I mean, you think that's weird.
I love tapirs.
Go look up their smiles. Believe me, it's worst when they have human teeth.
Go Google Image search "Baby Tapir"
Then Google Image search "Tapir Smiling"
And your "dental pad" can go suck it.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ixk2ox0 wrote
That's a long time for a person to go without sleeping on their own spot on the bed.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ix6b8fb wrote
Reply to comment by TheKingCrimsonWorld in TIL John Williams has been nominated for 52(FIFTYTWO) Oscars. by Robinsonirish
I upvoted you just to make this joke.
The least you can do is google it.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ix5v48x wrote
Reply to comment by BackWaterBill in TIL John Williams has been nominated for 52(FIFTYTWO) Oscars. by Robinsonirish
I can accept that. She's old, and she gets sentimental. Sometimes it's hard not to get emotional. Fair play.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ix4s6ee wrote
Reply to comment by This_Username_42 in What are some horrifying space facts. by galactic_oblivion
Yeah, I mentioned "zero pressure" with the idea that was understood. But I get why it's not.
I also failed to mention that the most horrific part is that the human body - unlike the ISS or the SLS - is built by evolution to create homeostasis under all conditions.
Your skin is, in fact, a skin-diving suit for all conditions. And it tries really hard not to let you die, even when the liquid in your body is trying to change state.
Ok, Now I'm just being gratuitous. Must be Spooky Season.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ix4h0vd wrote
I saw Star Wars for the first time when I was five, the music was more overpowering to five year old me than the movie itself. I saw Jurassic Park, in the theater, when I was 12. I bought the sound track to Jurassic Park (which, mind you, is only John Williams instrumentals) as my second purchase of a CD when I was 14 (after U2's Zooropa).
I would be extremely angry and disappointed in human-kind if he had not been nominated for at least 52 Oscars.
ETA: Now I'm going to go listen to the theme from Jurassic Park. Not afraid to say: It makes me a little emotional.
ETETA: I was a clarinetist in band. Somehow I'm only just now appreciating fully the use John Williams made of the brass section. I got the percussion, but WTF opens the theme to a block buster with French Horns (I'm guessing)? John Williams is the Meghan Thee Stallion of instrumental composition.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_ix3yv1t wrote
You don't immediately die in zero pressure. But your blood - and all of the liquid in your body - does try to boil.
And this has happened to people. One of them lived.
Throwawaycuzawkward t1_j1graj1 wrote
Reply to comment by Brief_Employee_1144 in Moved my router by Brief_Employee_1144
Your internet speed comes down to: What is actually plugged into the cable modem?
You have a distribution panel - a patch panel - if you plug into the outlets in your house connected to them, if they are not connected to a switch or hub that is connected to the cable modem, they will immediately default to the wifi on the cable modem.
Your patch panel - that distribution panel - is just a way of getting electrons from one place to another. IMO you need a switch - 12 port switch that gets your patch panel from all the nice clean runs in your house back to - probably your garage? - to your cable modem in a way that passes electrons.
Your cameras might be plugged into the only accessible ports on that cable modem.