ThunderySleep t1_isk9gum wrote
Reply to comment by Open_Veins_8 in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
It's not. Your articles are copy and pasted from other sources:
This is spam. I'm guessing created by you.
ThunderySleep t1_isk8dwl wrote
Reply to comment by Open_Veins_8 in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
No shit you would write that.
It's not an established local news source, it's partisan spam masquerading as established local news. Homeopathic medicine still has warnings in the fine print that none of it's proven to work. That doesn't mean it isn't deceptive when it's packaged like actual medicine and placed on the shelves next to real stuff like advil and cough syrup.
You couldn't even get in the top three SERPs of google for "local news bucks county pa".
edit: In addition to your site loading like garbage, your articles are copy and pasted from elsewhere: vs.
This is not a local news site. This is political spam trying to deceive people by dressing up as local news.
ThunderySleep t1_isk86sp wrote
Reply to comment by SuggestAPhotoProject in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
I'm pointing out that it's a spam account, from a spam site masquerading as established local news.
But it speaks volumes that you'd defend that.
ThunderySleep t1_isk7hle wrote
Reply to comment by DavidLieberMintz in An AirTag led police to a dumpster filled with more than 100 stolen Democratic campaign signs in Pennsylvania. by CQU617
It's being hit from all sides.
ThunderySleep t1_isk6kpg wrote
Reply to Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
OP is a political spam account. is a partisan site masquerading as a local newspaper. It didn't exist prior to late 2021 according to waybackmachine.
And it's poorly thrown together with a WYSIWYG plug-in for wordpress. That's dated and low-budget even for a mom and pop hobbyist business. Nothing about this site is authentic.
ThunderySleep t1_isk4ew2 wrote
Probably varies a little each year, but I'm guessing peak was about a week ago for most of the state.
ThunderySleep t1_isk1xmt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in I agree wholeheartedly with this assessment. A big no for Dr. Schnozz. by CQU617
ThunderySleep t1_isk10xd wrote
Reply to comment by DavidLieberMintz in An AirTag led police to a dumpster filled with more than 100 stolen Democratic campaign signs in Pennsylvania. by CQU617
Yeah, but you have to go pretty deep into Maine for the good ones. VT's pretty much entirely mountains.
ThunderySleep t1_isjzgtw wrote
Reply to comment by throwaway4206983 in An AirTag led police to a dumpster filled with more than 100 stolen Democratic campaign signs in Pennsylvania. by CQU617
Do Vermont if you want a mountainous escape. Maine if you're into the shore.
ThunderySleep t1_isjzarq wrote
Reply to comment by meinkreuz89 in An AirTag led police to a dumpster filled with more than 100 stolen Democratic campaign signs in Pennsylvania. by CQU617
Agree with you on getting rid of this practice with the lawn signs (for everyone). The way billboards can ruin and otherwise beautiful landscape, political signs are an eye sore for your neighborhood, and yeah, they come out around what should otherwise be a very beautiful time of year.
Also, it's great for people to be able to discuss politics, but there's a time and a place. Like, generally it's custom to avoid politics at the dinner table. Do you really need to be that guy who's making their neighborhood a political forum? Best case scenario: all of your neighbors happen to have the exact same views as you and none of them think better or worse of you for it. More likely, you're just alienating your neighbors and making it a less friendly environment.
ThunderySleep t1_isjym2y wrote
Reply to comment by huzernayme in An AirTag led police to a dumpster filled with more than 100 stolen Democratic campaign signs in Pennsylvania. by CQU617
The left is pretty well known for their hoax hate at this point.
But I could easily see some redneck doing this.
ThunderySleep t1_isakg60 wrote
Reply to Got 5 political flyers in the mail today that went directly into our fire pit. 🔥🔥 What’s the most you’ve gotten in a single day? by Scubakim13
Two or three maybe. KTP and Market Basket and Comcast make up most of my junk mail.
ThunderySleep t1_is5y28m wrote
Reply to Weekend in Portsmouth NH without kids by jhostnick
Eat, walk around seeing the sights, shop. At some point walk across the bridge to Kittery foreside for more eating. Make sure to walk around prescott park and strawberry banke. Not sure if the docks are still open, but if so, try to get a table at one of the waterfront restaurants. Maybe take a boat tour around the piscataqua, there's one that goes up-river for foliage, but there's a couple others.
ThunderySleep t1_iskad1a wrote
Reply to comment by Open_Veins_8 in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
"We said that in the fine print, therefore it's not spam, it's original content"
That's not how this works.
This is a malicious political spam site masquerading as a local news source.