ThunderySleep t1_isyp1h0 wrote
Reply to comment by RevHenryMagoo in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
When people feel their jobs are meaningless, they're not incentivized to do it well. If their jobs were made ineffective by the DA's office not prosecuting or under-prosecuting, making criminals aware potential crimes no longer come with punishment, their jobs no longer have a purpose. This is exactly what the PPD was pointing out for years with regard to the DA. Rather than listen, people villainized the police, rioted and further villainized them when they came to people's defense, then re-elected the DA with the soft-on crime policies that were making their job ineffective.
Now they're even further villainized by people pointing to them as the problem, when they were trying to point to the real root of the problem for years.
In summary: Stop villainizing police as a whole and prosecute crimes so their policing can have an effect.
ThunderySleep t1_isymyxi wrote
Reply to comment by RevHenryMagoo in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
I kind of wanted to answer that comment about what the difference is if they don't do their job when you left it under my comment: My point was there is no difference, and having them quit is not a logical solution to the problem if the problem is not enough policing.
The solution is to incentivize them to do their job. Or at least not de-incentivize them.
ThunderySleep t1_isym6t2 wrote
Reply to comment by CharacterBrief9121 in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Big box stores definitely did a number on down-town America. It's been revived some places, but mostly in nicer, kind of touristy areas that can support enough restaurants and fancier boutique shops to create foot traffic. I'm just saying, these stores in particular aren't located in what would be a food desert by anyone's definition if they saw them.
ThunderySleep t1_isyl4z7 wrote
Reply to comment by CharacterBrief9121 in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Technically, it's one less option, but I've lived where these locations are. There are more food options there than anywhere else I've lived, and I've been lucky enough to mostly live in nice places as an adult. Grocery stores, take-out places, casual restaurants, fine-dining, I mean everything. It's the major appeal of that area.
I totally agree food deserts area real, and philadelphia has them. And this conversation is starting making sense if imagining a general outsider perspective of X store closing in X city, but if you're familiar with the areas these stores are in it's the antithesis of a food desert. Closer to a culinary mecca. I'm talking 200+ options on grubhub, fancy coffee shops on every corner, suishi places every other block, any cuisine you can think of, etc, on top of the regular grocery stores (which are pricey, but it's an expensive area).
As for Wawa in/around philly, they're mostly in the nicer areas that aren't at all food deserts, or they're in car-traffic heavy areas, like the plaza off Deleware ave. If there were Wawas sprinkled through Grey's Ferry, I could see their point better, but I don't think food deserts are super relevant to these particular stores closing.
ThunderySleep t1_isyijq9 wrote
Reply to comment by CharacterBrief9121 in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Right. But center city has grocery stores, and tons of restaurants. As far as I can tell, you don't really see that many Wawas in the food-desert sort of places, and if center city isn't a food desert, I don't see it as relevant to the center city Wawas closing down.
ThunderySleep t1_isyhgev wrote
Reply to comment by eviljelloman in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Wawa sells produce. Also, I can't say I've thoroughly explored every bad area of philly, but typically you see Wawas in suburbs, or in nicer parts of the city. But fair enough, I see your point.
Whatever the case, center city isn't a food desert, and I'm not seeing what food desserts have to do with Wawas closing in center city.
ThunderySleep t1_isyh0xv wrote
Reply to comment by CharacterBrief9121 in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Fair enough. Regardless, center city is by no means a food desert.
Food deserts are definitely a thing, but I'm not seeing how they relate to the topic at hand.
ThunderySleep t1_isyfyjd wrote
Reply to comment by RevHenryMagoo in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
The premise of the discussion is police aren't doing their jobs. I stated police aren't incentivized to do it, and are actively incentivized not to.
Telling them all to quit from there = no police, according to the premise of this conversation, which isn't a logical solution to the notion there's not enough policing.
Of course you don't want people employed in any position who aren't doing their job. I'm just taking this train of thought to it's logical conclusion.
ThunderySleep t1_isye6qm wrote
Reply to comment by RevHenryMagoo in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
If the problem is lack of policing, how is having no police the solution?
ThunderySleep t1_isy5lqq wrote
Reply to comment by Generic_Mustard in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Center city philadelphia is not a food desert. Also, Wawas don't exist in food deserts, or by definition, those places would no longer be food deserts.
Also, replacing your food supply system with a system owned and operated by the government is not an idea that has ever worked out well, for anyone. And it's been tried, many many times. It's caused many times more death and suffering than the Holocaust, and has never once worked.
ThunderySleep t1_isy409h wrote
Reply to comment by PierogiPowered in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Because the police spent years explaining that the DA is making their job ineffective by not charging or under charging everyone, letting criminals back out on the streets and making them aware that potential crimes no longer come with punishment. Then Philadelphia ransacked its nicest neighborhoods out of blind hate for the police, then claimed the police committed a "war crime" by trying to stop the crowds from destroying innocent people's neighborhoods.
Then people went ahead and reelected Krasner.
Of course the police won't do their jobs. Why would they? What happens if a criminal fights back and the officer has to use force? They're risking spending the rest of their life in prison if they have to defend themselves or others.
ThunderySleep t1_isy312t wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Ah yes. All the criminals in philadelphia are just poor victims trying to survive, and Wawa is a store for rich people.
ThunderySleep t1_isy2wk5 wrote
Reply to comment by Tyrotoxism44 in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Well before his second term, people knew it was a get out of jail free card.
ThunderySleep t1_isy2rfq wrote
Reply to comment by Generic_Mustard in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Wait, so you want to get rid of the police, and replace them with... military?
ThunderySleep t1_isu3n2j wrote
Reply to comment by syndicatecomplex in U.S. Supreme Court backs Republican in Pennsylvania ballots case by MandoFett123456
Which side are you talking about?
ThunderySleep t1_istblc2 wrote
ThunderySleep t1_istasy3 wrote
Reply to comment by scotticusphd in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
No, this is a scam website. is a propaganda spam site disguised as an established local newspaper.
There's essentially no local news on the site, it's 95% leftist propaganda, much of it not even specific to PA, and of the little content I clicked on, it turned out to be republished content from elsewhere.
It's not a marginally competent website. The average person off the street could build something more competent than this. Images don't load consistently, load time is terrible, layouts are broken, scroll jacking is broken, text is vibrating. This is not competent.
Any actual journalist is capable of building a proper wordpress site, given that they tend to have their own wordpress sites. Which are used for and presented as what they are, their blogs. They don't fake being the local paper.
It's beyond a budget issue, it's a basic competence issue, and indicates these are not professionals in any capacity. Like I said, it's a scam website. A bunch of political propaganda dressed up as if it's a local newspaper, and now the people behind this scam are in this thread lying about it and their intentions.
As far as me focusing on Bucks County Beacon being a fake newspaper, that's just what the discussion is. It's telling that you're jumping into this thread 60 replies deep demanding I change the subject. Bucks County Becon's a political spam site disguised as an local newspaper. It deliberately uses a dated logo and everything, despite not existing prior to late 2021.
ThunderySleep t1_ispykri wrote
Reply to comment by Keinichn in In rare rebuke, two retired War College professors say Doug Mastriano is unfit to be governor by BeltfedOne
The good progressive ideas. Ideally there's some back and fourth and the good ideas eventually get pushed through, and the bad ones disregarded, usually forgotten.
ThunderySleep t1_ispwdtr wrote
Reply to comment by scotticusphd in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
Having a regular website which any competent adult could build demonstrates professionalism that might suggest it's a legitimate organization.
> Most journalists aren't web developers
No, but most competent adults, let alone professionals in any field that involves using the internet, can put together a marginally competent website.
Most journalists are capable of running their own wordpress site. In fact, if they don't use substack, they typically do have their own wordpress sites. But not a single person involved your scam was able to put one together competently.
The gross incompetence with a basic professional skillset signals it's not a legitimate organization. Which is what this discussion is: Pointing out that is a propaganda site imitating an established local newspaper.
This is a malicious propaganda spam site, posing as a local newspaper.
ThunderySleep t1_isogzge wrote
Reply to comment by scotticusphd in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
The con is posing as a local news site. This is a shitty blog some partisan activist put together with a WYSIWYG editor and dressed up as though it's a legitimate local newspaper. is a fake local news site, poorly built with a WYSIWYG. It's not slander, this is objective truth.
ThunderySleep t1_isofwtl wrote
Reply to comment by scotticusphd in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
No, is a propaganda spam site posing as a local news source.
> It's not uncommon for new businesses to not have their SEO sorted out, in the same way that it's common for scams to exploit SEO to make themselves look legitimate.
What are you talking about? It is uncommon for legitimate businesses centered around a website to be incapable of building and maintaining a functional website.
Professional journalists aren't using WYSIWYG editors to fake a local newspaper for their articles. If they don't have the resources to form a proper journal, they write articles on medium or substack.
This is not a legitimate news source. This is a scam website posing as a local newspaper. It's a con, and not a competent one.
ThunderySleep t1_iso8u99 wrote
Reply to comment by scotticusphd in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
This isn't comparable to a new >any legitimate business< because is not a legitimate journal. It's a propaganda spam site posing as a local news source to deceive readers.
There are no professionals involved, hence not being able to build a functional website or even make it into the top three pages (probably more, I just didn't look farther) on google for "local news bucks county PA". The first link I clicked on at random was duplicate content from elsewhere.
This is a propaganda spam site masking a regular local news source. It's a scam.
ThunderySleep t1_ismrvqd wrote
Reply to comment by yeags86 in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
I'm following, it's pretty pathetic on your part.
> And if that’s a professional website, if Trump even actually paid for it, he didn’t get his moneys worth.
Is everyone involved in this spam site a two-year old? That one is clearly a normal website built by a developer. You don't even have to be a developer to build a competent, functional website. Any remotely competent adult with access to a computer with internet can manage to build a functional site. You guys have multiple people involved in this and still couldn't pull it off.
ThunderySleep t1_isyrh20 wrote
Reply to comment by RevHenryMagoo in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
> I’m amazed that the police and their apologists have no problem casting themselves as the biggest fucking piss-puddle crybabies in the city.
This is not how grown-ups carry conversation. The lack of self-awareness in the face of the point I'm making is what's astounding here.