ThunderySleep t1_itknq6g wrote
Reply to comment by madmanz123 in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
You're saying WP as though wordpress is the criticism.
Nobody is criticizing the use of wordpress. I'm pointing to the use of a WYSIWYG extension because wordpress is too complicated. And yes, this is a solid measure of legitimacy and professionalism.
Legit organizations with dozens and dozens of employees as this site's claiming to have don't operate on essentially a wix site with a broken homepage.
Furthermore, I didn't discover the WYSIWYG usage until deep into a discussion with OP trying to defend this scam site, when he linked his about page with a messy URL featuring the plug-in name.
The site was created this election cycle and is named and designed to suggest it's some long established regular local newspaper, despite being an activist site with 95% political content.
"bucks county beacon"? That's chosen to deceive readers into believing this is some regular long established local newspaper. Same with their logo designed like it's from 2002.
> If you have a gripe to pick with an article and want to fact-check it fine, but jesus stop whining.
Bud, you're chiming in trying to derail the discussion by pretending the critcism is the use of wordpress.
No one is criticising the use of wordpress. This site has a barely-functioning homepage with images that don't consistently load, a mess of broken carousels, built using a WYSIWYG. The site doesn't even appear in the top three SERPs for "local news bucks county". Buckscountybeacon is a misleading site, disguised as an established local newspaper. The very first article I clicked on turned out to be republished content from elsewhere.
It's a scam site. One that you're being disingenuous in defending, by trying to pretend the criticism is over the use of WP. The first time someone pointed to it might have been from skimming. The second time after I explained this says you're not being honest here.
ThunderySleep t1_ithb7bn wrote
Reply to comment by SuggestAPhotoProject in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
Link one comment suggesting I hate LGBTQ people...
All you've got are blatant lies.
ThunderySleep t1_ith9n7e wrote
Reply to comment by SuggestAPhotoProject in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
Excuse me, what? Where did pull this from?
> Assholes like that should be removed from this sub.
In most subreddits, a claim like that out of nowhere is a violation of the rules. You don't know me or anything about me, nor have I said anything about LGBTQ people.
But leave it to the scammers behind thebuckscountybeacon to randomly slander anyone who criticizes their scam site.
ThunderySleep t1_ith91ly wrote
Reply to comment by garylarrygerry in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
I'm here to point out you guys aren't some well established local newspaper as you're trying to deceive users into thinking you are.
ThunderySleep t1_ith8vvc wrote
Reply to comment by chaqalaqalaqa in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
It is. Nobody's talking about wordpress. Wordpress is a fine CMS, especially for a magazine or blog.
They're usingelementor plug-in for wordpress, which is to turn wordpress into a WYSIWYG editor. Not something legitimate organizations do, much less journalists who are typically familiar with wordpress enough they don't need to turn it into wix.
If you're a software dev, you should be seeing a lot more glaring issues than that. I've gone into a lot more issues than that in their last thread.
ThunderySleep t1_ith8r1l wrote
Reply to comment by SuggestAPhotoProject in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
First, I'm not attempting to mislead users by faking some kind of authority.
Second, what hate? Wtf are you talking about?
ThunderySleep t1_itbwwhs wrote
Reply to comment by garylarrygerry in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
It's common knowledge what a WYSIWYG is, not some tech secret. They're not something used by serious legitimate organizations, they're utilized by kids playing around, mom and pop businesses, hobbiests, etc.
Legitimate decent sized organizations aren't needing WYSIWYG plug-ins for wordpress. Let alone organizations supposedly made up of journalists, who are typically capable of running a wordpress without the training-wheels of a WYSIWYG. This goes even more so for organizations who solely exist as a website. There's no buckscountybeacon office, no buckscountybeacon printed copy. It exists entirely as a scam site pretending to be a normal local paper.
Yet OP can't even build a functioning site. This is some incompetent guy's blog that he's trying to fake as being a local newspaper so as to deceive users.
ThunderySleep t1_itaha2c wrote
Reply to comment by Open_Veins_8 in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
You can't even defend it. It's a shitty WYSIWYG-built propaganda site disguised as an existing local paper.
ThunderySleep t1_itagmu9 wrote
Reply to comment by Open_Veins_8 in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
Yup, /u/PensiveLog, a less than a week old account just happens to to start replying to my comments in a dead thread from last week, the one you spent an entire day trying to defend your spam site on, the same evening you're back on reddit spamming this site again.
> elementor-2492
Doesn't even know how to create proper URLs, gives away that the site's built in a WYSIWYG (called elementor). But yeah, it's totally authentic, lol.
Like I said, nothing about this site is legit, and no one involved is a professional in any capacity. Hence wordpress of all things being too complicated for this totally authentic organization, so you need a WYSIWYG.
ThunderySleep t1_itaeqee wrote
Reply to comment by Open_Veins_8 in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
> Keep trolling, I'll keep correcting :)
You didn't address anything in my comment, let alone correct anything.
Showing in organic SERP results aren't the same as submitting your site to be listed under google news, which isn't remotely indicative of authority, much less not being a scam site. But of course you don't know that, because you're some neckbeard fumbling around with a WYSIWYG trying to disguise a propaganda spam site as an existing local news journal.
Nice one adding a giant banner begging for money to build a real site since I called you out on it though. Wouldn't have noticed this post if you hadn't drunkenly posted to our conversation from a week ago on your other account btw.
Your homepage images still don't consistently load btw.
Nothing about this site is legit.
ThunderySleep t1_itacrd3 wrote
Reply to Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8 is a newly created propaganda spam site disguised as an existing local news journal. The site was created in late 2021 (this election cycle) using a WYSIWYG plug-in for wordpress and really crumby hosting. No one involved in this site is a professional in any capacity, hence the use of a WYSIWYG.
The site doesn't even make the three pages on google for "local news bucks county pa".
It did not exist before Dec 2021.
There is no and has never been a printed copy.
There is no buckscountybeacon office.
It's a malicious site disguised as a preexisting local newspaper to deceive users unfamiliar with the area and what the local papers are.
OP's reddit account exists to spam this site.
ThunderySleep t1_itabq1x wrote
Reply to comment by PensiveLog in Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick's Record in Congress on LGBTQ Issues Earns Him a ‘D’ from the Human Rights Campaign - Bucks County Beacon by Open_Veins_8
Wtf? Was that really your attempt at sounding tech-savvy?
Malware has nothing to do with SERP results or any of the issues I've described. As for the IE reference, what is this, 2006?
edit: Oh I see, it's you. You logged back in today to spam your WYSYWIG site... Funny how you chime in five days after this convo happened, when suddenly buckscountybeacon, newly built propaganda site disguised as an existing local news source, is being spammed again. Did you use the wrong account by accident, or did you think this six day old account chiming into this conversation now, passed for another user?
ThunderySleep t1_it38lzo wrote
Reply to comment by BurglarBaggins in Fall Foliage at Acadia National Park, Maine by James Griffiths Photography by TheWalkingBob
For real. People get focused on making the colors pop, so they completely ignore how much detail you're losing in the photo, and it ends up looking worse than the original. I mean, the moss on the rocks in the bottom left and mid right looks radioactive, and the red on the right have become color blobs losing their shape and detail.
Given the resolution of the image, I'm sort of wondering if this pic is pretty old. Most ordinary people can spot and aren't impressed by color adjustments like this, and the resolution doesn't match modern cameras.
ThunderySleep t1_it35k0v wrote
Reply to comment by PierogiPowered in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Your comment is just making stuff up.
There are constant new policies and reforms from police departments all over the country in the past few years, particularly Philadelphia PD.
ThunderySleep t1_it05p85 wrote
Reply to comment by Electronic_Chard_270 in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Nobody's discussing whether or not the PPD has always been perfect.
You've already hit your limit on moving goalposts for the day.
This thread is discussing the Wawa closures and the increased in crime in philly over the past few years. The comment you chimed in on is discussing the current state of PPD and why they don't seem to be doing their job.
ThunderySleep t1_it02n4z wrote
Reply to comment by Electronic_Chard_270 in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
How's it wrong?
You've had several comments now and the best you've got is a terrible attempt at historical revisionism which you immediately, thankfully, went back on, followed by "you're wrong!".
It's like I'm talking to a five year old.
ThunderySleep t1_it01dxx wrote
Reply to comment by Electronic_Chard_270 in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
I laid out a timeline in the comment you responded to. What point are you even trying to make here?
Your first reply was an attempt at historical revisionism. That didn't work out. What's the purpose of this one?
ThunderySleep t1_it016cv wrote
Reply to comment by karensPA in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Perfect. That's all I want plastered under your comment.
edit: Ah, the old respond and block.
ThunderySleep t1_it00abn wrote
Reply to comment by Electronic_Chard_270 in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
Your historical revision is the same thing, except dumber since there's video evidence of it and it was only two years ago.
> I’m saying that was 2 years ago and the areas it happened in are fine
You just moved the goal post from "It didn't happen" to "the areas have recovered".
The original comment is laying out a timeline of events spanning back years. The riots were a pivotal part of that. Now you're trying to say "you're not allowed to mention it because it was two years ago"? It's a part of the timeline for why PPD is the way they are today.
ThunderySleep t1_iszy9cv wrote
Reply to comment by Electronic_Chard_270 in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
That's a blatant lie. The entire main strip of Walnut St was torn apart, Chestnut hit as well, multiple police cars burned in CC, fires still going the next morning. Then you guys moved on to more neighborhoods after you ransacked rittenhouse.
There's video of it... Why even bother lying? This is dumber than nazis claiming the Holocaust didn't happen. We literally have video and news documentation of these events. It was only a couple years ago.
ThunderySleep t1_iszsmxr wrote
Reply to comment by karensPA in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
You unironically post in /r/voteDEM and /r/January6.
Obviously I'm not going to deter your bs with reason, I just think it's important that people see that so they don't mistake you for someone chiming in with honest intentions.
ThunderySleep t1_iszs2vr wrote
Reply to comment by Electronic_Chard_270 in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
So we're at revising history now?
ThunderySleep t1_isyvah4 wrote
Reply to comment by BlkSheepKnt in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
A lot of the crime in philadelphia is for shits-and-giggles, particularly among the crowds of teenagers in center city, which were the ones creating most of the havoc at the Wawa locations.
No doubt people occasionally steal out of need, but the notion that crime as a whole is done out of having no other option just isn't true. Plenty of crime is committed out of selfishness, or for thrill, or sometimes out of pure malice.
Most of the havoc at the center city Wawa locations has been teenagers doing it for kicks. The one at Broad and Walnut would have the semi-regular stabbing, for which I don't know the motives, but it didn't seem to be someone hungry needs food.
ThunderySleep t1_isys72n wrote
Reply to comment by RevHenryMagoo in As Wawa shutters Center City stores, Philly DA Krasner plays defense by User_Name13
This was all explained to you, bud. Obviously you're not interested in serious discussion. Have a good one.
ThunderySleep t1_itkoil9 wrote
Reply to comment by chaqalaqalaqa in Bucks County Doubles Down on LGBTQ+ Youth Support with Announcement of Second Rainbow Room by Open_Veins_8
Images that don't load, generated URLs for primary pages (hence how I discovered it's built with a WYSIWYG), homepage is a cluster-fuck of carousel plug-ins stacked on top of each other, doesn't make it anywhere near the top pages on google for "local news bucks county pa", a logo design that looks like it's from 2002 paired with a super generic newspaper name suggesting their aiming at deceiving users into believing this is some existing established local newspaper, despite it being an activist site built this very election cycle.
These are glaring issues..