ThunderySleep t1_j7n7lfh wrote
Reply to comment by apd56 in Dover builds tiny home neighborhood by sheila9165milo
I don't plan to move unless leaving, NH, but I'd go for something like this just to have a small amount of outdoor space, and not worry about disturbing neighbors on other floors if I'm up and about at odd hours.
ThunderySleep t1_j7n7dzf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Dover builds tiny home neighborhood by sheila9165milo
> between $1,000 and $1,232 per month.
I looked around for apartments in Dover around this time last year and couldn't find anything less than $1300. Plus, outdoor space is a bonus, even if it's just enough to grill or have a tiny garden.
ThunderySleep t1_j72y4qb wrote
Reply to comment by ooonurse in [N] Microsoft integrates GPT 3.5 into Teams by bikeskata
Are your friends?
edit: oh wait, you already told us they're not.
ThunderySleep t1_j72xf6o wrote
Reply to comment by ooonurse in [N] Microsoft integrates GPT 3.5 into Teams by bikeskata
Why? I don't care about your friend's feelings.
This comment was a fine addition to the discussion until you thought you could tell me what to do.
ThunderySleep t1_j6yhxqd wrote
Reply to comment by frequenttimetraveler in [N] Microsoft integrates GPT 3.5 into Teams by bikeskata
Got to be honest, the biggest thing I'm not looking forward to is every vapid person with a bogus job being able to write as though they're an intelligent important person. Like how Grammarly allowed dumb people to hide the fact that they can barely read and write.
ThunderySleep t1_j6y5kts wrote
Reply to comment by bsmith696969 in Don’t y’all think we hate Florida more if not the same? I’ve heard a lot of people complain about all the vacation home ppl from there, but ofc all agree that MA sucks 🤢 by loopdajuup
That's what I remember of VT. They didn't have nearly as much hate for outsiders as NH and ME, but they liked to bash massholes a bit, and despised New Yorkers.
ThunderySleep t1_j6upttb wrote
Reply to Don’t y’all think we hate Florida more if not the same? I’ve heard a lot of people complain about all the vacation home ppl from there, but ofc all agree that MA sucks 🤢 by loopdajuup
I don't think most people in NH know much of anything about the world outside of New England.
ThunderySleep t1_j6tsgyu wrote
Reply to comment by I_Put_a_Spell_On_You in Button up! by HazardousWeather
Yeah, do your groceries today or tomorrow. Not saying you'll have no access to food, but you're probably going to want to get comfy inside Friday.
ThunderySleep t1_j6toq1s wrote
Reply to comment by TutenWelch in Button up! by HazardousWeather
Now, kiss.
ThunderySleep t1_j6tn9jn wrote
Reply to comment by I_Put_a_Spell_On_You in Button up! by HazardousWeather
The crazy numbers are wind chill / "real feel". The -11 is the low for the actual temperature.
Might seem stupid at first, but as far as how dangerous it is, and how miserable it'll be outside, there's a huge difference between a low temperature and a low temperature with high winds.
ThunderySleep t1_j6o98n0 wrote
Reply to comment by UCBC789 in New Hampshire GOP governor says he’s considering 2024 White House bid by Jesuslovesthepackers
Agreed. I don't think he's enough of a national name for people to pay close attention to him.
ThunderySleep t1_j6o933b wrote
Reply to comment by Tullyswimmer in New Hampshire GOP governor says he’s considering 2024 White House bid by Jesuslovesthepackers
Is he some incredible speaker or something? I don't pay too close attention to NH politics, but I had never heard of him until moving here a couple years ago.
ThunderySleep t1_j6lmpne wrote
Reply to comment by Thundersnow999 in What do I need to know? Moving to NH in April by volunteer85
Inland maybe. Portsmouth is like the busy-body / Karen capitol of the world.
ThunderySleep t1_j62hpvh wrote
Reply to comment by Matty_Bee63 in What a tool by Matty_Bee63
Boomer here (with regard to weed). Can you just up and drive to a store in Maine and buy it? No medical card or proof of residence?
ThunderySleep t1_j5pyabt wrote
Reply to Looks so much worse with snow by willzyx01
Oh god..
ThunderySleep t1_j443hev wrote
Reply to comment by AnythingToAvoidWork in New Hampshire Trans Sanctuary Bill (plus two others) by 1carus_x
I think you're on to something. We should get rid of laws.
ThunderySleep t1_j3ssnzb wrote
Why does this middle-aged man have the hair style of an unhygienic 23 year old girl?
ThunderySleep t1_j3ss8ot wrote
Reply to comment by jstasi95 in Manchester, NH man arrested twice in same day on assault charges by Chappy_Sinclair_
It literally does though.
ThunderySleep t1_j3e9vmu wrote
Reply to comment by sysadminsavage in Areas to avoid in Manchester? by gman2391
oof. The entire downtown?
ThunderySleep t1_j3e9ng7 wrote
Reply to Areas to avoid in Manchester? by gman2391
The impression I get is Manchester's just dumpy overall. Not like a big city where you have entire neighborhoods that you just don't go in for safety reasons.
I mean, looking for housing, it's probably important to ask what parts are sketchier, but just walking around exploring, I don't think it's a situation where you desperately need to avoid areas.
ThunderySleep t1_j3e9drj wrote
Reply to comment by A_Man_Who_Writes in Areas to avoid in Manchester? by gman2391
Hadn't heard this before. Think it's just that a lot of cities have streets named after trees.
ThunderySleep t1_j2thb5k wrote
Reply to comment by 677536543 in As a single 30-year-old man, should I move to the Manchester area? Looking for social/cultural advice. by [deleted]
New Market is nice super tiny. Seems like a nice town, but you're talking a population of like 5,000 9,000 and a tiny handful of bars and restaurants.
But I'm with you on Dover, New Market feeling a little more alive. Portland and Manchester both have the sad ghost-town vibe, like they used to be something much more than they are now.
I've had friends from out of state visit Portland with the same reaction. Saying it was a cool town, but they were wondering where all the people were. They both feel like they should have way more people out and about.
ThunderySleep t1_j2tf3kn wrote
Reply to As a single 30-year-old man, should I move to the Manchester area? Looking for social/cultural advice. by [deleted]
I'd go bigger and try out a big city. 30's the age to do it. I know for New England, Portland, Manchester, etc, are cities, but anywhere else on the east coast they'd be considered tiny cities or big towns.
That said, from what I've seen of Manchester, it looks much better than most places in NH to be single at 30.
It has nice spots and plenty of bars and restaurants, but as a city, it's definitely on the sad run down side.
ThunderySleep t1_j2fuwqt wrote
Check google for what's around you, if hours are questionable on google, just call and ask if they'll be open. Don't have high standards. NH has a few small cities in the southern portion with nightlife. Outside of that, it's very sparse.
Also, Lift and Uber is sparse even in its cities, and its DUI laws are strict (you can get a DUI below .08), so make sure you have a DD and stay safe.
ThunderySleep t1_j85wo22 wrote
Reply to comment by McGauth925 in Police investigating security threat at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport by pewterpetunia
Wtf? I think you're watching too much TV.