TimeTraveler3056 t1_j95t525 wrote
Reply to comment by Annual_Blackberry486 in Green Wave, Acrylic, me, 2023 by Annual_Blackberry486
I like that answer. And its really good.
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j95pxgz wrote
Reply to Green Wave, Acrylic, me, 2023 by Annual_Blackberry486
Nice. Whats the meaning behind your choice of colors?
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j69g79a wrote
Reply to comment by hessianhorse in Why does CT only have oval tracks or kart tracks, I feel like it would be good to have a grand prix style track for racing by toasty_boi12345678
Well at least I'm not mean. Jerk
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j68nq2b wrote
Reply to comment by hessianhorse in Why does CT only have oval tracks or kart tracks, I feel like it would be good to have a grand prix style track for racing by toasty_boi12345678
Yikes. U sound entitled. And a little mean. Bye
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j685iky wrote
Reply to comment by IndicationOver in Why does CT only have oval tracks or kart tracks, I feel like it would be good to have a grand prix style track for racing by toasty_boi12345678
Well I'm not rich
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j61yhj7 wrote
Reply to comment by toasty_boi12345678 in Why does CT only have oval tracks or kart tracks, I feel like it would be good to have a grand prix style track for racing by toasty_boi12345678
Rich areas maybe. I wouldn't consider CT a rich state. I don't know any rich people.
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j5vfd0q wrote
Reply to comment by HighJeanette in Lamont proposes allowing CT pharmacists to prescribe birth control by gabbydeben
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j5t8wzf wrote
Reply to comment by iwanttobehappy2022 in Lamont proposes allowing CT pharmacists to prescribe birth control by gabbydeben
THIS is what I'm trying to say but people are so reactionary I'm getting downvoted .
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j5rbc2d wrote
It's a prescribed medicine, should be a doctor or clinic. Pharmacists have enough to do filling scripts. Everyone should stay in their lane. This is stupid.
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j5ravz3 wrote
Check out their locations. They're all over.
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j5rac4i wrote
Reply to comment by Logical-Cat8319 in LEGO leaving Enfield for new U.S. HQ in Boston by gyokuro
This sounds true but I feel it's more about working in main cities. They're all over the world.
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j5ra9io wrote
Reply to comment by igetmoneyyuhuurd in LEGO leaving Enfield for new U.S. HQ in Boston by gyokuro
Why "young"??
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j5r8gj7 wrote
Reply to The future of CT is very dark. by usidoretheblue62
54 days till spring!! We can do it!!
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j4xj8eq wrote
Reply to FX's ‘Alien’ Series Gearing Up For Production This Year; Noah Hawley Will Start Production After Finishing 'Fargo' Season 5 by SanderSo47
ALIENS is my favorite movie. Noah Hawley is one of my favorite authors. And I love Fargo. I cannot freakin wait for this!!
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j1uchpl wrote
Reply to Dawn Wells - 1969 by Plus_River_8733
I've never seen it
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j1mji0l wrote
Reply to comment by Kampfman in Best Car deals, new or used in CT? by Kampfman
I have a Honda Fit right now. I can fit anything in there. Mechanically it's awesome. Gas savings are great. If you drive in the winter though, it seems very lightweight. I love my Fit.
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j1dbp0q wrote
I absolutely agree. Hey Lamont, make it happen, every officer, in every town and city.
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j1db86x wrote
This is Connecticut. We don't like anybody.
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j1dat44 wrote
Reply to comment by SegaStan in When Gil’s got his sleeves rolled up, you know it’s gonna be bad. Stay safe, CT ❤️ and happy holidays by Hippydippy420
Partial to local NBC here which is what, WVIT??
TimeTraveler3056 t1_j1da7tk wrote
Reply to Best Car deals, new or used in CT? by Kampfman
What kind of cars does she like? Personally I'm partial to Hondas.
TimeTraveler3056 t1_iy0uusn wrote
Reply to Any Game Wardens here? by djjazzyjess18
Dan Hayden has written a fiction series The Game Warden on Amazon. We heard him speak at our library about his personal experiences as a Game Warden.
TimeTraveler3056 t1_ixaw4wp wrote
Reply to comment by Will_delete_soon78 in HUSKY C INCOME by Will_delete_soon78
I know calling them is a pain but they can be very helpful when you get through. Don't procrastinate. (Like me) Good luck.
TimeTraveler3056 OP t1_jad29l5 wrote
Reply to comment by dwalker444 in Have you ever let a show pile up so you can binge rather than watch weekly? What does that say about our viewing habits? by TimeTraveler3056
I feel ya man 🎵