What do you hope to gain from going to therapy? Why did you seek therapy to begin with?
Are you stressed? Anxious? Eating problems? Depressed? Angry? Lonely? Sad? Overwhelmed? Experienced trauma?
Find your SPECIFIC adjective and you’ll find the point of therapy for YOU.
For me, I was anxious, overwhelmed, and had an eating disorder. I sought therapy to help me feel peace and understanding. I met with her every other week for 2 years and I’ve learned so much about myself and the way I think. She’s insightful without being judgmental and challenges me to look from another viewpoint.
Timely_Umpire_164 t1_j6gvnam wrote
Reply to eli5 what is the point of therapy? by dumbass__stupid
What do you hope to gain from going to therapy? Why did you seek therapy to begin with?
Are you stressed? Anxious? Eating problems? Depressed? Angry? Lonely? Sad? Overwhelmed? Experienced trauma?
Find your SPECIFIC adjective and you’ll find the point of therapy for YOU.
For me, I was anxious, overwhelmed, and had an eating disorder. I sought therapy to help me feel peace and understanding. I met with her every other week for 2 years and I’ve learned so much about myself and the way I think. She’s insightful without being judgmental and challenges me to look from another viewpoint.