
TimothyOilypants t1_j1n0gig wrote

Yes, PLEASE, let's focus our criticism on the REAL problems like luminaries before we address lesser problems like PFAS contaminated septage, 21 tons of salt per mile of road each winter, >30,000 tons of nitrogen fertilizer annually, ad infinitum...

You got a good heart kid, but try pointing it in the right direction.


TimothyOilypants t1_j1mz5lh wrote

FWIW we can run our whole house, which includes well pump, a 4-burner induction range/electric oven, and a 3 head 36,000BTU heat pump setup. (Plus a boatload of non-essentials) off a 13,000W portable generator no problem.

We have not needed to supplement the heat pumps with any wood or propane yet this year.


TimothyOilypants t1_j1mmjyp wrote

Just replaced the propane stove that came with our place and couldn't be more pleased. We cook a lot; LNG ranges are great, LP sucks. It's more water vapor than heat and the hit to indoor air quality is significant. I do wish Maine had more LNG infrastructure, but at this point that's not likely to ever happen.

Induction all the way baby.

Plus a wood cook stove as well, mostly for heat. šŸ‘šŸ»