TimothyOilypants t1_j5huj6e wrote
Reply to comment by mainething in Despicable by KermitThrush
Awwwe... Poor old timer doesn't know how to take a full screenshot. 😥. It's ok gramps, your time will be up soon anyway.
TimothyOilypants t1_j5hs3tp wrote
Reply to comment by mainething in Despicable by KermitThrush
As strong or better than your English language skills it would seem.
If you do represent anything uniquely specific to Maine it's the state's worst qualities...
TimothyOilypants t1_j5hkqj2 wrote
Reply to comment by mainething in Despicable by KermitThrush
So no then...
Sounds like you're from away as well.
TimothyOilypants t1_j5h7uvq wrote
Reply to comment by Affectionate-Pay7905 in Despicable by KermitThrush
Is it the lizzid' people again?
TimothyOilypants t1_j5h7kms wrote
Reply to comment by mainething in Despicable by KermitThrush
Are you indigenous? If not, I have another special "identifier" for you champ...though you may not like it...
TimothyOilypants t1_j5biuaj wrote
Reply to comment by P-Townie in MaineHousing ready to spend $21 million to provide overnight shelters this winter by Shake-Spear4666
Business entities should be prohibited from owning residential property full stop.
For private citizens, the tax burden for secondary and tertiary residential properties should increase exponentially unless they agree to rent regulation.
TimothyOilypants t1_j5ajmq6 wrote
Reply to MaineHousing ready to spend $21 million to provide overnight shelters this winter by Shake-Spear4666
We need an aggressive land use tax for seasonal and recreational properties.
This would provide funding for social programs AND encourage those land owners to open up to the rental market.
TimothyOilypants t1_j4q78no wrote
Reply to comment by slut-cemetery in Landlords/apartments to avoid? by slut-cemetery
Veazie is nice as well.
TimothyOilypants t1_j3yfz81 wrote
Reply to comment by ThePurgatorianAgent in Why Does It Feel Like This State Is Against Me? by ThePurgatorianAgent
Not to diminish your insights, but I take it you are relatively young? How much mileage do you have in your journey that you can be so supremely confident in your complete understanding of what you are and are not capable of? Surely you have decades of growth ahead of you, where you will accomplish things you never imagined possible, no?
And while your abilities as you see them now may bring you pride, are they allowing you to earn a comfortable living? It seems you have anxiety over your ability to provide for yourself, and over societie's ability, or willingness to provide FOR you; perhaps your energies would be better invested elsewhere if your current choices have not led to the stability and fulfillment you desire?
TimothyOilypants t1_j3woon9 wrote
Reply to Are Kayem Hot Dogs Acceptable? by TheHistoryofCats
Red hot dogs...what are you people, 8 years old?
Evaluate the quality of ingredients and flavor profile. They can look like a turd for all I care, I eat with my mouth.
TimothyOilypants t1_j3wobvl wrote
If you want to meet 18-25 year old Mainers you're going to need to move to Boston.
TimothyOilypants t1_j3qxbvc wrote
Sometimes we need to break away from the self-limiting patterns and attitudes created by those we love in order to believe in, and achieve, our OWN potential. The realities that others have trapped themselves in don't need to be ours, even though we might share genes.
Diversify your skillset, break out of your comfort zone, try things you don't think you'll enjoy; learn to be motivated by accomplishing things you never imagined you could.
Stop letting your family, the system and yourself tell you what you CAN'T do.
TimothyOilypants t1_j3mnipd wrote
Reply to comment by DaytonaDemon in Everything Each American State Is Worst At. by New-Work-139
That's proportion of residents though...how would that number change if we looked at % for people BORN here?
TimothyOilypants t1_j36phvz wrote
Reply to comment by who-really-cares in Could you please turn on your headlights? by lobster_man_207
It's just because that one tough guy at work, who totally probably has a bigger dick than him, makes fun of EVs, so now he has no choice but to incorporate that into his identity so his testicles don't retreat into his body whenever that tough guy is around.
TimothyOilypants t1_j341xa3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in $450 checks to help Mainers with heating costs expected to be sent starting in mid-January by wheresmycaketester
Personally, I'm hoping most people spend it exclusively on things you disagree with.
TimothyOilypants t1_j340wbc wrote
Reply to comment by PGids in $450 checks to help Mainers with heating costs expected to be sent starting in mid-January by wheresmycaketester
Ignoring your myopic and likely racist resistance to foreign aid; even if we increase corporate tax rates (which we should) the individual marginal tax rate in the US is still one of the lowest among rich 1st world countries.
Anyone over $50k should be paying at least 40% full stop.
Unless you are making less than $9,000 annually you ARE NOT "the little guy" in global terms. Stop whining about your life of privilege.
TimothyOilypants t1_j33pcx2 wrote
Reply to comment by TarantinoFan23 in $450 checks to help Mainers with heating costs expected to be sent starting in mid-January by wheresmycaketester
Or just shut up and pay your taxes because it's good for civilization. This American preoccupation with avoiding taxation and mutal aid is fucking obnoxious...
TimothyOilypants t1_j33nk4h wrote
Reply to where can I find red cedar? by Ok-Ordinary-361
It is not common and does not grow readily in Maine. There is limited commercial opportunity so effort is focused elsewhere.
If you want it, you're going to have to import it from the south.
TimothyOilypants t1_j26jbms wrote
Reply to comment by Majestic-Feedback541 in Chaga farming in Maine is on the fringe of being a multi-billion dollar industry by Nesthemonster
Good for you hon. Any other stupid fucking stories you want to tell?
TimothyOilypants t1_j26hhn4 wrote
Reply to Wagyu steaks? by awmtank
I'd argue wagyu lacks most of the qualities associated with a great steak. It's fine meat, but when I want a great sous vide, reverse seared steak, wagyu doesn't do it for me.
I will take a flank or a picanha any day.
My fav is to take a whole flank, lightly marinated (garlic, salt and soy) and rest it directly on a large bed of rocket hot natural lump charcoal coals. 4-5 minutes, flip, 4-5 more, remove any large bits of charcoal then foil for 10-12 minutes.
Slice and eat until you die.
TimothyOilypants t1_j26ghlj wrote
Reply to comment by Yourbubblestink in Unvisited locations/attractions by Natprk
The one in Augusta is consistently one of the best ranked in the nation. Went their recently and it was the best Denny's I've had to 2 decades. It was ACTUALLY Denny's as remembered.
TimothyOilypants t1_j26g54j wrote
Reply to comment by Majestic-Feedback541 in Chaga farming in Maine is on the fringe of being a multi-billion dollar industry by Nesthemonster
I assume that also means no beer, wine, bread, antibiotics, soy sauce, cheese, a plethora of medicines, cured meats, coffee, tea, pickles, etc., right?
Make no mistake champ, this IS A FUNGAL planet that we are just lucky enough to live on.
TimothyOilypants t1_j1sqyn1 wrote
After Friday? Just give dirt roads near any body of water a whirl...
TimothyOilypants t1_j1nrqkx wrote
Reply to comment by ChazmasterG in White paper bags lined along road in Falmouth by glister_and_gold
You mean like shaming people for trying to milk some little fucking joy out of a holiday after 3 years of death and disease...
Paper: biodegradable. Cotton wick: Biodegradable. Wax: biodegradable. Sand: Inert. Aluminum dish: Inert.
What are we actually worried about here?! I would rather luminaries than electric Christmas lights strung together with 5 lbs of plastic...
If you're so sure luminaries are bad, make a case for it.
If you have a problem with paper bags I assume your washroom has 3 seashells?
TimothyOilypants t1_j5hux9q wrote
Reply to comment by mainething in Despicable by KermitThrush
Feeling triggered silver surfer? Hopefully your family finds you less shameful than we do.