TishTashToshbaToo t1_jbg0vlu wrote
Reply to comment by PM_ME_SOME_SONGS in [Image] Either Way by strippy
How would one do that? I read somewhere (probably in a meme) that you should talk to yourself the way you talk to your pet/child when they succeed at something small. 'Go you! You're so good at this!' or maybe just 'Stop eating that! Drop it!'
TishTashToshbaToo t1_jdgu0dx wrote
Reply to comment by Lqc_sa in LPT: Running out of Google Drive/Gmail space? Use “older_than:6y” in the search bar and then mass delete. Use “larger:10m” to find every email larger than 10mb and then mass delete. by R961ROP
How do you then back up Google photos? Thanks