
TitsMageesVacation OP t1_izmb6g3 wrote

No, what’s on the website is the prices they’ve already set, and it’s the pricing you get if you sign that day and move in almost immediately. Most people are looking for something 60 days out, and those prices are not available online. Try it on apartments.com are no availability is shown.

Thanks though!


TitsMageesVacation OP t1_izm0ul8 wrote

Our occupancy is high, always has been, and to be fair, it’s an expensive building to begin with, but it still a huge jump, $ and % wise. Unfortunately, there’s no legal cap in MD. That’s the law, I get it, and I will always defend capitalism and supply and demand, but this is collusion.


TitsMageesVacation t1_iya98lt wrote

Businesses are not automatically members of Visit Baltimore, you have to pay dues. There's a sliding scale based on the size/volume of your business. Visit Baltimore will in turn occasionally utilize your services or products, and include you in advertising. If Union or Heavy Seas pays dues (which are far smaller than the dues that Guinness would be charged) they can be featured in advertising.

It's not political or some systemic plot, it's just business.

And my lord, that ad is embarassing. Even with my meager photoshop skills I can drop a background out.