TonyzTone t1_j664883 wrote
Reply to comment by Empty_Economist in NY attorney general weighs in: Harlem truck depot could be illegal by ctnutmegger
It's not veto power. The Council has overruled a member's preference before.
It's an understanding among the CM's that they don't know your district well enough so, they defer to your lead. This happens in any organization all the time. One silo might opine on something but ultimately defer on the silo that knows the issue most intimately.
TonyzTone t1_j64vvsi wrote
Reply to comment by mp0295 in NY attorney general weighs in: Harlem truck depot could be illegal by ctnutmegger
>gives individual wackos too much power
Actually, our elections did that.
Member deference might compound the issue but the tradition exists because the city is very large and each member understands that they might not know what's best for a district across the city. Council districts aren't very large so each member should know their district intimately. And some do.
What might be a huge neighborhood issue might not even register on the city's priority list. That's exactly why having a chief neighborhood advocate in the council is so important.
KRJ just massively fucked up here. I don't quite get her thinking, and yes, it's also rippled into a broader city-wide problem.
TonyzTone t1_j5r0ent wrote
Reply to comment by TommViolence in Benefits - The Intimate Lives of Friends [OC] by Crash_Recovery
Correct! It was right before Central Perk opened and the space was instead of bar with a pool table.
TonyzTone t1_j5r0blj wrote
Reply to comment by sanchower in Benefits - The Intimate Lives of Friends [OC] by Crash_Recovery
Which would also connect Joey and Phoebe when she pretended to be Ursula and break up with him. They kissed, and he realized it was Phoebe as he was walking away.
Not a huge thing but they always had a bit of a connection.
TonyzTone t1_j57qp2g wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in NSYNC in 1997 by Djf47021
True. Every time I think of this fact, it just keeps tearing up my heart.
TonyzTone t1_j4pzw55 wrote
Reply to comment by koreamax in Grocery Chain H Mart to Open Upper East Side Outpost by LouisSeize
Because 11101 is they LIC zip code.
TonyzTone t1_j448qhw wrote
Reply to comment by Kander-Thomas9516 in Rep. George Santos says he'll resign if 142,000 people ask him to by esporx
>breach of promise.
That's not a thing.
TonyzTone t1_j3z09ex wrote
Reply to comment by karmapuhlease in No Pants Subway Ride canceled for a second straight year by HomosapienDrugs
Yeah, but it was still kind of weird that people were practicing their routines for weeks. I'm not hating, just saying how weird it was.
TonyzTone t1_j3yk88t wrote
Reply to comment by MoistMaker83 in No Pants Subway Ride canceled for a second straight year by HomosapienDrugs
Which honestly, is great.
TonyzTone t1_j3ya7lo wrote
Reply to comment by PorchHonky in No Pants Subway Ride canceled for a second straight year by HomosapienDrugs
nEw YoRk Is JuSt So LiBeRaTiNg!
TonyzTone t1_j3ya26y wrote
Reply to comment by mowotlarx in No Pants Subway Ride canceled for a second straight year by HomosapienDrugs
Genuinely the weirdest phenomenon of the late-aughts.
TonyzTone t1_j30ri0m wrote
Reply to comment by co_matic in NY officially solicits bids for casino with license fee set at $500M by geoxol
We started banning this shit back when the only recreation available to most folks was books, rolling a wheel down a hill, and if you had some money maybe the one play your town had.
Casinos and other gambling halls were the form of entertainment but they also sapped your money since they were addicting.
Nowadays, we have other options that should hopefully distract you just enough to prevent you from spending your rent payment on dice.
Then again, we have things like Candy Crush and EA games sapping our dollars in much of the same way that slots and pinball used to do 100 years ago.
TonyzTone t1_j2csr1i wrote
Reply to comment by MelodyMyst in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
Suozzi probably didn’t run much oppo research. He was an incumbent, with amazing name recognition, in a district that favored him, in a period of time that favored Democrats.
This time more research was done and it was being sent out in press releases since August m.
Also, it’s not the DNC that focuses on Congressional races. It’s the DCCC (they had a detailed memo on him in August). And “NY DNC” doesn’t make sense.
TonyzTone t1_j2cshth wrote
Reply to comment by KaiDaiz in George Santos Story Broke by Local LI Newspaper Months Ago by geoxol
You couldn’t be more off base. His opponent was raising flags but no one cared. The DCCC, which runs Congressional campaigns (not the NY Dems) had put out a press release in August.
This was all being talked about but you didn’t see a single article about it because the journalists dropped the ball.
TonyzTone t1_j1y3bmk wrote
Reply to comment by ale__locas in Republican Jewish Coalition: George Santos Not Welcome at Any Future Events by mykl66
This isn’t Staten Island. It’s Long Island and a part of Queens.
TonyzTone t1_j1iafek wrote
Reply to comment by yallaretheworst in ‘Openly Gay’ Rep.-Elect George Santos Didn’t Disclose Divorce With Woman by mission17
The Democrat was Robert Zimmerman. Not sure if Santos had a Republican primary opponent.
TonyzTone t1_j1c3bu8 wrote
Reply to comment by TetraCubane in ‘Openly Gay’ Rep.-Elect George Santos Didn’t Disclose Divorce With Woman by mission17
Yeah. It was a well known (at least locally) that this was the first race of an open Congressional seat where both candidates were openly gay.
TonyzTone t1_j0h98ak wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in State Orders NYC To Drop Foie Gras Sales Ban, Says Ban Violates NY Agricultural Law by Gato1980
Eric Adams looks on anxiously.
TonyzTone t1_j03q8g6 wrote
Reply to comment by elizabeth-cooper in Fire Erupts at an N.Y.P.D. Evidence Center in Brooklyn by mowotlarx
Better than shoeboxes of DNA material...
TonyzTone t1_izoai7q wrote
Reply to comment by zenni321 in Pickleball players banned from NYC park after turf war with kids by habichuelacondulce
Yup! Which is why there are barely any professional athletes from NYC. Certainly not in baseball, football, or soccer; we just don’t have the space.
You’ll get basketball pros because every school at least has a BS gym and some have nice ones.
TonyzTone t1_izlbgas wrote
Reply to comment by _kalebb_ in New Yorkers Are the Ultimate Late-Night McDonald's Snackers, Report Shows by BlankVerse
Which is what folks meant when they’d say “NYC is dead/dying.” The city was famous for certain things, late night eats being one of them.
TonyzTone t1_izl46rd wrote
Reply to comment by oreosfly in Pickleball players banned from NYC park after turf war with kids by habichuelacondulce
It’s not the same group of adults. It’s hundreds of different groups all vying for very limited space.
Adults have a right to public park space, too. And most of those adult leagues pay permit fees which (partially) cover maintenance.
Now, invading a children’s playground to play a sport you can play literally anywhere is stupid.
TonyzTone t1_izl33ys wrote
Reply to comment by Shreddersaurusrex in Pickleball players banned from NYC park after turf war with kids by habichuelacondulce
We desperately need more park space. I play intramural sports like softball and soccer but I also love my pick up games. Except they have become harder and harder to find as everything is a pay-to-play set up.
What’s worse are the adults who don’t even put together a league and charge $10 because they hold the permit. Like dude, the permit costs $10 total and you gave 20 guys playing. You’re not providing anything we wouldn’t have without you.
TonyzTone t1_iz2okft wrote
Reply to comment by PiffityPoffity in EXCLUSIVE: Brooklyn Councilman Ari Kagan expected to switch parties from Democrat to GOP by mowotlarx
I’m not a fan of this but he (1) didn’t get any committee and (2) he’s gotten pretty shafted in redistricting. He’s making a basic calculation that caucusing as a Democrat isn’t helping him at all.
Either he stays a Dem and runs against Brennan in the primary, or runs as a Rep and maybe stands a chance.
He’s a sitting Council Member; he’ll still have discretionary funds.
TonyzTone t1_j6kcp0l wrote
Reply to Empire State Building roasted for lighting up in Philadelphia Eagles' colors by CBSnews
Listen, fuck the Eagles, and fuck whoever thought this was a good idea.
But they also did it for the Chiefs, and basically it was a celebration for the NFL Conference Championship winners.