
TorsionDifferential t1_iyzoczl wrote

The conclusion, per the article, is a hilarious stretch from the study, but I guess just saying "At last we have an idea of how to make female fruit flies live longer!" wouldn't get much attention.

Sex type is so often a factor in the effectiveness of many kinds of drugs that, you know, yeah, but anyway.


TorsionDifferential t1_iyex6h3 wrote

If it's the only positive thing he says, he needs help, and you don't need to be on the hook for it. It doesn't necessarily mean you should run, but consider that in a relationship you might be responsible for almost all of his happiness and comfort and validation.

If it's one thing he says among a bunch of other things, such as other positive things about you, especially if they're specific to you and wouldn't necessarily apply to anyone who gave him attention, then it's not necessarily problematic.