
TouchDownBurrito t1_j6d6gz4 wrote

> Lol like where?

Like I said, the south:

> Look at Chicsgo,

Oh shit, Fox News brain rot has set in.

Why look at Chicago? Its not even in the top 40 when it comes to crime rate by city.

Why isn’t Alabama being “tough on crime” stopping all the crime in Mobile, which is at the top of that list?

>they have the most lenient punishment

What “lenient punishment”? Be specific.


TouchDownBurrito OP t1_j5wrsr5 wrote

What do you think about the context the bar graph of each city department’s payout/settlement gives?

I thing that really highlights the issue, each year BPD accounts for a majority of payouts, 2/3 years it’s the vast majority of the total city’s payout/settlement.


TouchDownBurrito OP t1_j5uso31 wrote

The other departments listed in the article with significant legal settlements/payouts during the time period other than police are:


Boston Public Schools

Public works

Public facilities Department



The only other department with a settlement/payout over $1 million during a single year is Boston Fire with a $3.31 million in 2020.


TouchDownBurrito t1_j5p4mn6 wrote

The same private donors:

> Embrace Boston, a nonprofit organization that works toward racial and economic justice and is a part of the Boston Foundation, helped provide resources and $10.5 million in funds, including a maintenance fund, for “The Embrace” and the Freedom Plaza.


TouchDownBurrito t1_iyctgbo wrote

If you’re following all the way to Charlestown stop in the Warren Tavern, their claim to fame is that it was one of the first buildings rebuilt after the battle of bunker hill/burning of Charlestown and that they hosted Washington and Revere.