Trafficsigntruther t1_iuhxirm wrote
Reply to comment by IceColdCruiser in Police: 6 people shot outside nightclub in Northern Liberties by doc89
That apartment complex is being demolished and replaced with fancy townhomes.
Trafficsigntruther t1_ity2csp wrote
Reply to comment by Cythrosi in A second railroad union votes down Biden's tentative agreement by WutRTatersPrecious
Metro isn’t regulated by the FRA.
Trafficsigntruther t1_itsmig4 wrote
Reply to comment by lordredsnake in Controller Rebecca Rhynhart to resign today and launch run for mayor by jberk988
That a national retailer might want to keep prices consistent across their stores and can spread the losses of selling soda in Philly across the nation. Brown has like two store outside the city so he can’t do that.
> Jeff Brown also pays his workers less than other retailers.
Aren’t his workers unionized?
Trafficsigntruther t1_its5sxh wrote
Reply to comment by eponymous_bosch in Controller Rebecca Rhynhart to resign today and launch run for mayor by jberk988
For his future buildings, he’s on a level playing field with all the other new buildings, it doesn’t matter.
Trafficsigntruther t1_its5mui wrote
Reply to comment by lordredsnake in Controller Rebecca Rhynhart to resign today and launch run for mayor by jberk988
> Some retailers eat it entirely or partially
How many of them are local retailers? Zero.
> The bottlers/distributors pass it on to retailers as a political statement.
It’s a tax that is close to 100% of sales. How do you expect them to absorb it?
Trafficsigntruther t1_itrqrmj wrote
Reply to comment by eponymous_bosch in Controller Rebecca Rhynhart to resign today and launch run for mayor by jberk988
He voted against the reduction in the commercial property tax abatement. Yet reducing the abatement increases the value of his existing holdings that are grandfathered under the 100% abatement.
I’m not sure how you can get more impartial?
Trafficsigntruther t1_itroy7z wrote
Reply to comment by rodmandirect in Controller Rebecca Rhynhart to resign today and launch run for mayor by jberk988
Yes? What do you think digital images are?
Trafficsigntruther t1_itrovdd wrote
Reply to comment by PlacidDrugs in Controller Rebecca Rhynhart to resign today and launch run for mayor by jberk988
Brown’s Fresh Grocer is right on Cheltenham Ave.
Trafficsigntruther t1_itroslw wrote
Reply to comment by lordredsnake in Controller Rebecca Rhynhart to resign today and launch run for mayor by jberk988
They aren’t his soda taxes. Like Kenney said, it’s a tax on the soda companies, not on consumers.
Trafficsigntruther t1_itlp8ps wrote
Reply to comment by mexheavymetal in SEPTA working out kinks in mobile phone ticketing feature by bengalese
They complicated the shit out of it with mobile tickets and QR codes. Apple Express Transit is built for instant payments.
Trafficsigntruther t1_it2chta wrote
Reply to comment by sudo-netcat in Updated Moderna Covid booster gives even better protection than earlier jab by Semper-Fido
Always have been. The country regulators determine who gets what medicines.
Trafficsigntruther t1_it01uer wrote
This is about the UK ba.1 booster, not the US moderna booster targeting ba.4/ba.5
Trafficsigntruther t1_istgqmu wrote
Reply to comment by Aromat_Junkie in PSA: You must register to vote by next Monday, October 24! by drodjan
That’s horribly worded.
Trafficsigntruther t1_isbke4d wrote
Reply to Dominican neighborhoods by mklinger23
2nd street by the autozone. Whatever that neighborhood is.
Trafficsigntruther t1_is6k5gz wrote
Reply to comment by urbanassassin99 in “I think Philly will burn down if there’s two championships in the same year,” Rob Dunphy said. by LoisLane04
A combination of the Union being founded the same time the Phillies were really good, stadium outside the city and AFAIK, they missed having an older, big name from overseas to garner interest during MLS 2.0
Trafficsigntruther t1_is25j6j wrote
Reply to Getting into Phila college basketball by SnoopRion69
> I'm a huge Tar Heels fan who doesn't want to root for Villanova for reasons I won't talk about!
That 3 was a dagger.
I’ll add that if you are used to watching ACC play, watching Big 5 is like watching high school basketball.
Trafficsigntruther t1_ir6wpme wrote
Reply to comment by WandarFar in Passing through Philadelphia - 1 hour, where to go? by WandarFar
Bullet point?
Gun point?
Knife point?
Trafficsigntruther t1_ir6vhof wrote
> I travel Bourdain-style.
Didn’t he off himself in a hotel room.
Trafficsigntruther t1_ir0q869 wrote
Reply to comment by porkchameleon in Philadelphia among best cities for Gen Z by ColdJay64
And a “Z” in blue and yellow no less
Trafficsigntruther t1_j1kuhxw wrote
Reply to comment by CorgiRawr in China’s National Health Commission to stop publishing daily COVID figures by SsiSsiSsiSsi
Not terrible; not great.