TransporterOffline t1_j1jjefw wrote
Reply to comment by DaKaSigma in PJM asks to conserve power by LGP214
Duquesne is part of PJM.
TransporterOffline t1_j1fib14 wrote
Also #3 on "Top" r/Pittsburgh, with some other suggestions:
TransporterOffline t1_j1dakco wrote
Reply to Before You Ask How the Roads Are by tarsier_jungle1485
511 PA definitely first choice, but also Waze or Google Maps can show you how many accidents are out there on your usual route. Once you see all the crash icons and red lines, you can safely commit to staying home. :-)
TransporterOffline t1_j1c1zne wrote
Reply to comment by psychopompandparade in Should we be expecting to lose power with this incoming snowstorm? by fridgesmacker
I know it's mostly forbidden by landlords for renters, but a kerosene heater is essential in this type of situation. I personally use a Mr Heater Big Buddy + propane tank instead. You can vent the air by leaving a window slightly open for draft. It's perfectly safe, as long as you're monitoring the flame and not running out for errands away from home with it burning.
TransporterOffline t1_j1c03fl wrote
Reply to comment by ScratchMoore in Should we be expecting to lose power with this incoming snowstorm? by fridgesmacker
For infrastructure security reasons, those are not published (I believe). Some utilities used to back in the day. Your best bet is having a friend who works for the power company or used to work for one and can either visually see the circuits or read the pole markings.
In general though, it's fairly easy to know where your local substation is, if you drive around a lot. That's about the only way.
Also, if you're one of the people whose power goes out a lot with even the slightest wind, or if you regularly have low voltage in the summer, you're probably at the end of the circuit.
TransporterOffline t1_j1by5l1 wrote
I'd say the chances are fairly high. I remember the wind storm of Feb 2019 and I'm expecting similar effects but maybe less in duration. I am at the beginning of my circuit so I don't expect to lose power unless a substation is out, but if I were closer to the end of the circuit I would definitely expect to be without for a day or two.
Edit: If anyone is affected by power outages, the City is operating warming centers also. (But apparently waiting till Saturday to open them?)
TransporterOffline t1_j0jyitv wrote
Reply to comment by altonquincyjones in NY Times lists Pittsburgh as having some of the most affordable homes in the country as compared to household income. ( by Far_Room23
Yup I was there in summer 2020 for a couple weeks and WOW the number of Washington and California people relocating there was insane.
TransporterOffline t1_j0i5alo wrote
TransporterOffline t1_j0hljh9 wrote
Reply to NY Times lists Pittsburgh as having some of the most affordable homes in the country as compared to household income. ( by Far_Room23
Stop it. No. We don't need more people moving here chasing cheap real estate and driving prices up (i.e. less affordable). Lol.
TransporterOffline t1_iz9e4gh wrote
My friends stayed at Linn Run State Park last year in the snow and gushed about how relaxing it was. I don't think they were really impressed with the cabin itself, but it got them where they wanted to be.
I would check the DCNR web site and see if any state parks on the north/central part of the state have cabins you'd be interested in.
TransporterOffline t1_iy915e5 wrote
Reply to How high is Greenfield Bridge? by Ginny_P
I thought this was a simple enough question, but PennDOT's GIS site only has deck area, lanes, and length, but no clearance or height information. Weird. I'm glad the other commenter thought of using the topo maps.
TransporterOffline t1_iy1f3e6 wrote
Reply to comment by montani in Where do you go for pepperoni rolls? by iamaturkeyama
I take the long stick pepperoni and slice it into 4 wedges like you might slice a pickle, and i put them into bread roll dough from the freezer, when i need my fix. I dunno, it just tastes better to me. I hadn't thought of using pizza dough. This post and my own craving talked me into getting supplies yesterday to make some this week.
TransporterOffline t1_iy16gw5 wrote
TransporterOffline t1_ixwjmpm wrote
Reply to comment by Cunt_With_A_C in What are some good off-campus housing options for graduate students? by Cunt_With_A_C
I'm pointing out how many times you glossed over the correct spelling of Pittsburgh, a place you intend to live, only to come in and misspell it like virtually 2/3 of new posters here. But yeah now that you mention it, you'll probably get some better results in r/Pitt.
Edit: err, I see you're going to CMU. Makes a bit of a difference.
TransporterOffline t1_ixwa719 wrote
TransporterOffline t1_ixuyq9x wrote
Reply to Where do you go for pepperoni rolls? by iamaturkeyama
This is a great question. Around here at the c-stores I only see the ones with the round sliced pepperoni. I really really really miss Tomaro's pepperoni rolls from Clarksburg WV with the sliced pepperoni strips. I have not found anything like that around here but I will look into some of these suggestions in this thread.
Btw you're a good friend for hunting this down for your friends!
TransporterOffline t1_ixnn4ip wrote
You might as well just take down this post and try again. You will get zero helpful answers from this prompt.
Start with the subreddit FAQ for moving/renting and ask from there. We get far too many people asking moving questions, and we can't/won't really adult for you if you've done zero homework.
Hint: Most of the suggested neighborhoods on the list are fairly low-crime.
TransporterOffline t1_ixnfxuo wrote
Reply to A very covid thanksgiving. by [deleted]
Some people are mentally ruined when they don't get to enjoy their annual holidays. It kind of reminds me of when my high school dance was canceled due to a student tragedy, and some people pretty much lost their shit because they were so invested in this dance. I have a lot less patience for that attitude in the past couple years. We need to be able to adapt and change when there's, I dunno, a destructive virus going around.
My family all ended up with bronchitis this week and decided to postpone Thanksgiving dinner to Saturday, but I'm still not going. If they're not healthy today, two days isn't going to make a difference, and I'm not risking getting sick given I'm pleased with how healthy I've been this past year or so.
TransporterOffline t1_ixj4o1h wrote
Reply to comment by Birdface3000 in 1 hospitalized after vehicle crashes into restaurant in Allegheny County [North Park Lounge on Babcock Boulevard] by chuckie512
Haha maybe. I'm not sure that's a salve. She's probably out telling everyone she encounters "Well dammit nobody wants to work anymore!!"
TransporterOffline t1_ixisjdz wrote
Reply to 1 hospitalized after vehicle crashes into restaurant in Allegheny County [North Park Lounge on Babcock Boulevard] by chuckie512
What in the hell with all these vehicles crashing into buildings??
TransporterOffline t1_ixd805v wrote
Reply to City Cast Pittsburgh and City Cast Philly are debating sheetz/wawa! We want to hear your take! by caffeinejuice
I don't discuss/debate politics or religion, sorry. Lol
TransporterOffline t1_ix5rykk wrote
Reply to comment by cooldude_4000 in Which McDonalds are serving all day breakfast? Asking for a McMuffin-addled friend. by imadv8r2
Heck yeah. Shmuffins are great.
TransporterOffline t1_iujrcwl wrote
I have noticed a huge uptick in the last 6 months of people parked at green lights looking at their g-d phones. Or I pass people on the highway and they are holding it below the steering wheel obviously staring down at it. ugh. Please buy your loved ones a phone cradle for the holidays. They're going to look at it anyway, might as well be safer about it.
TransporterOffline t1_iuejhsm wrote
Reply to Expat trying to stream NFL games by i386dx
r/steelers probably has good suggestions.
Edit: Also I love the user name. But the DX was a little too expensive at the time, so my family got the SX. Oh well haha.
TransporterOffline t1_j1lx6xg wrote
Reply to comment by Crawlerado in Asked to conserve electricity on Christmas eve. What is even going on anymore by CoolHandMike
Your reply and the one above hit the nail on the head. I have no clue why it is always our individual responsibility to make these changes when wasteful corporations make up double what we consume. At my office, they don't recycle. No one in the entire suburban office park recycles. So one of my coworkers set out a bin and takes our recycling to his home. Like, why does everything have to roll down to individuals like this when companies have the same access to light switches and recycling services and energy-saving fixtures we do, but they won't.
Edit: It reminds me of the phrase "We aren't going to paper-straw our way out of this problem."