
TreeEleben t1_j1e4ean wrote

If you don't answer, they'll pull you out of the car, make you do an FST, fail you, and arrest you. Cops have no accountability, and they know that even a false DUI arrest will likely result in the person losing their job and being forced to spend thousands of dollars to avoid conviction.


TreeEleben t1_j165srp wrote

Nobody cares about anyone but themselves these days. I drive 84 daily, and the amount of absolutely crazy unsafe driers is out of control. People either are going 80+ swerving between cars, or are camped in the left lane doing 55. Seeing people use the shoulder and grass to pass cars is just wild.


TreeEleben t1_j154slg wrote

Alcohol especially. Alcohol kills close to 150,000 Americans a year. With all the new candy flavors of alcohol that are aimed at kids, there should be laws requiring alcohol to be locked in a secure container if children are in the home.

But nobody wants to admit just how dangerous and deadly alcohol is, and will continue to ignore the epidemic of alcoholism and drunk driving.


TreeEleben t1_ixj0c0r wrote

We will never see more nuclear plants. They need to be placed near water for cooling, and the rich who own property near water simply won't allow a plant to be built where they can see it and anti nuclear activists will protest violently against it. Same with new pipelines. Rich land owners and environmental activist organizations will stop any new construction.

Poor people in Connecticut aren't wanted or welcome here. The rich can afford to pay these insane rates so they don't care.