
TreeEleben t1_j5z0ygc wrote

Towns where I am rely on taxing personal vehicles yearly to fund the town government and services. Newer cars cost $500-$1k per year. Forcing people to pay for public transportation passes, while significantly raising other taxes to make up for the lost vehicle tax revenue and pay for the public transportation is going to hurt a lot of people who can't afford it.

Gasoline and diesel road taxes also make up a huge part of government budgets. Between public transport and electric vehicles, it would cripple governments if that tax revenue dried up.

Citizens still will have to pay the government that money, it will just have to come from higher taxes on other items people buy over and over every single day.


TreeEleben t1_j5tyl5n wrote

Big corporations are buying up single family homes as fast as they can. Won't be long until all housing is corporate owned and we will pay exorbitant rent that goes up every year for our entire lives while owning absolutely nothing.


TreeEleben t1_j5tjssa wrote

Lots of hills here. Blocks the signal. Get the antenna up high as possible. I use OTA TV at a summer cottage and had to get the antenna up above the roofline and have it able to rotate to get a decent amount of channels. The local stations still don't come in often. Usually 30 and 61 work but others are rarely come in.


TreeEleben t1_j5ov220 wrote

You're absolutely right, but the fact that these kids know they won't be prosecuted is also part of the cause. Of course poor kids are going to go out robbing cars, high reward, effectively zero risk. It's frustrating when the police can't do anything to stop the robberies, and if a citizen tries to stop it, the police arrest them and lock them up, while the theives get let go immediately.

Poverty isn't going away, it's just increasing. The state needs to get this under control before it gets worse. Kids are already shooting at people who spot them. Someone is going to end up dead.


TreeEleben t1_j5l896k wrote

It was suspended leading up to the November elections, now it's coming back. We can't win here. Gas is going up in price 25 cents a gallon, and our electric rates are the highest around and are going up again soon. You're either giving all your money for transportation and heating to an oil company, or eversource, just like intended.

If this keeps up, we will all soon live in corporate owned rental housing, taking out loans to pay our rent and utilities. Banks and big companies always win, we the people are just crops to harvest cash from.


TreeEleben t1_j5gcadq wrote

I would highly advise getting a lawyer. Or at least getting a free consultation from one. Not sure if you're the victim, or the accused perpetrator, but this sounds like something you don't want to get screwed up on a technicality.


TreeEleben t1_j4a7dpx wrote

Adaptive cruise is often unusable due to this. It leaves a gap big enough to fit a car in, so people swerve in, your car hits the brakes to create another gap, only to have another car swerve in, causiyour car to brake and create another gap.

After a few people squeeze in, you're basically stopped and making traffic worse and risking getting rear ended.


TreeEleben t1_j26fyhc wrote

Hidden pond or southford falls in Southbury. But you'll have to wait for an extended stretch of below freezing weather.

It's probably too far, but cranberry bog in East Hampton is good too. Has lights, a bonfire going usually, and police won't kick you out at sunset.


TreeEleben t1_j26f7ey wrote

Siding is low maintenance. Power wash it occasionally and you're good. Natural wood is high maintenance, and expensive to maintain.

I'd rather see vinyl sliding than see houses with faded and peeling paint because the homeowner can't afford to have the house refinished.


TreeEleben t1_j1zc55f wrote

There needs to be a law that stores accept any deposit returns. It's aggravating to see "store does not accept this brand". If it's a deposit container, it should be returnable anywhere with machines.

Nips should have a $5 tax, or be banned completely. They exist only to help alcoholics sneak drinks while driving.


TreeEleben t1_j1w2r4n wrote

Jet ski is fiberglass. You could possibly get someone to take it free if the engine, trailer, or other parts are good, but old junk fiberglass boats and skis aren't worth anything as scrap, and are usually difficult to get rid of unless you pay to have them removed. Cars usually need a title to be scrapped unless it's old enough, but cutting it up makes it no longer legally a vehicle and the sections can be scrapped without paperwork.

This is all a legal grey area since the legal owner is out of contact. Perhaps call the police non emergency number and ask about abandoned property laws. You don't need the owner suddenly wanting their vehicles back a week after they're gone forever.


TreeEleben t1_j1n3ag5 wrote

It takes 7-10 years for anything to drop off your insurance records. Let this be a lesson to stop driving drunk. The arrest record of the DUI will remain forever, even if you complete the program and get the charges dropped.

It's absolutely insane how we barely punish drunk driving. DUI offenders should be banned from possession and consumption of alcohol for years after a DUI. But instead we just say "don't do that again".