
t1_j9v9vx8 wrote

Our minds create reality, thats how I look at it. When we have normal working eyes. We see RGB. We create the picture in our minds. We name objects to identify them. We create our own reality.

People who are colorblind have a different kind of reality. Yes objects stay the same but they see less or no color. So they have a slightly different reality.

Blind people can't see, or see very little shades of light. They use their ears and touch more. Their reality is more different.

I see it as the way we are able to observe our environment. The way our brain creates our reality.

We live in an "open" reality. We can devolope technology to expand the reality we can't see before. So reality is still expanding for us.

I think closure theory sounds a little like, stop asking questions, just settle with what we know. It's not that we might never know what reality is that we need to stop asking. As technology advances we can touch the reality that we thought we might never fully grasp. But than we might if we look further. Yes we need to function in this reality, so yes we need some kind of closure on certain aspects of reality. Only I would name it differently. Closure should be 'current understanding'.

Counterpoint, no brain, no reality? Maybe. If no living being can observe does reality exist anyway?

Edit: did not saw the video. Just wanted to see how you think of this opinion.
