
TricksterWolf t1_iuu4xj6 wrote

I don't think you know what arguing in bad faith is, you just don't agree with the facts I'm laying down. Elon made a fortune with PayPal stock but they kicked him off the board for gross incompetence. He didn't invent anything; he bought Tesla. He routinely makes the worst business decisions imaginable hence being forced to buy Twitter for a highly overvalued price, as does Zuckerberg, who I must assume you also worship. Neither of them would get away with it if not for the mythology pushed by people like yourself. It's seriously embarrassing.


TricksterWolf t1_ius1yhq wrote

  1. Never said nor implied I "dislike" him, and you're definitely projecting said "weird hate boner bias".
  2. Winning the lottery? Extremely wealthy parents dying? Can you actually not think up examples like this on your own?
  3. Believe it or not, the biggest tech CEO's in the world are not remotely "most of the wealthiest people in the world" as I mentioned. My statement is still correct.

TricksterWolf t1_ius1a9p wrote

It's definitely quirky, but people can be quirky without it being mental illness. If it causes conflict because it is taking up resources needed for people who are physically disabled, or if it places a strain on their relationships with family and friends, then it does interfere with social functioning.