Surveying, wind farms, sonar. Although they say there’s “no evidence their sonar is killing whales” which is bullshit and they can say whatever they want. The three dolphins that were just dead and washed up off Sandy Hook just so happened to be at the same time there was surveying and sonar boats in that area. But it’s all a coincidence. Sonar kills whales and other marine life, and that is proven. And that’s what’s happening in front of all of our eyes.
Tuck525 t1_j98tyxu wrote
Reply to Why are so many whales dying off the coast of the Shore? by luxury_yacht
Surveying, wind farms, sonar. Although they say there’s “no evidence their sonar is killing whales” which is bullshit and they can say whatever they want. The three dolphins that were just dead and washed up off Sandy Hook just so happened to be at the same time there was surveying and sonar boats in that area. But it’s all a coincidence. Sonar kills whales and other marine life, and that is proven. And that’s what’s happening in front of all of our eyes.