Tullyswimmer t1_jcdcl16 wrote
Reply to comment by NckMcC in New Hampshire be like... by NationYell
Did they really not get much up that way? I'm a bit further south and we got a solid 8" of cover on the ground from that so I'm assuming no golf here until like, April 10.
Tullyswimmer t1_jca7fr0 wrote
I'm near Concord, got probably 8 or so on the ground as of this morning. It was so heavy though it packed down as it fell. I was out with the snowblower yesterday afternoon, and the snowblower was struggling with like, 4"
Tullyswimmer t1_j7nz79l wrote
Reply to comment by Hyperfein_transition in New Hampshire Lawmakers Refine Cannabis Legalization Plan, With Vote Expected Soon by OregonTripleBeam
If he was, he wouldn't be winning elections.
Tullyswimmer t1_j7nw70t wrote
Reply to comment by Hyperfein_transition in New Hampshire Lawmakers Refine Cannabis Legalization Plan, With Vote Expected Soon by OregonTripleBeam
I mean, 66% of "the people" voted for him, so... It's a tough argument to say that he's subverting their will.
Tullyswimmer t1_j6ktbog wrote
Reply to comment by averageduder in New Hampshire GOP governor says he’s considering 2024 White House bid by Jesuslovesthepackers
His performance in state-level elections would suggest otherwise. MAGA does vote for him, as do a lot of moderates. Real-life moderates, not Reddit "moderates" don't generally have a problem with the type of abortion legislation he's supported, and education is rapidly changing, look at Youngkin in Virginia and even DeSantis' "don't say gay" bill is fairly popular nationally.
If you think Sununu isn't capable of appealing to moderates and MAGA, you're wrong. He can and already does, as every election he's run in in the state shows.
Tullyswimmer t1_j6jkmaz wrote
Reply to comment by PebblyJackGlasscock in New Hampshire GOP governor says he’s considering 2024 White House bid by Jesuslovesthepackers
If he ran in the presidential race, he'd absolutely clean house in the primary. He's already insanely popular in the state. I don't think he CAN lose a statewide election that he runs in, and especially not one for his own party.
Whether or not he'd get his ass kicked elsewhere I don't know. But he's probably got some of the best moderate appeal of any GOP state governor.
Tullyswimmer t1_j6jk6jm wrote
Reply to comment by devildogmillman in New Hampshire GOP governor says he’s considering 2024 White House bid by Jesuslovesthepackers
I mean, it's not the worst slogan I've seen.
Tullyswimmer t1_j6jk3k6 wrote
Reply to comment by chadwickipedia in New Hampshire GOP governor says he’s considering 2024 White House bid by Jesuslovesthepackers
People call him out on this as if we didn't have a Democrat governor for 4 years who adamantly refused to legalize it because she wanted her donation from the cops.
Sununu has done more to relax the laws around cannabis in this state than any other governor we've had from either party.
Tullyswimmer t1_j6jjve1 wrote
Reply to comment by KrissaKray in New Hampshire GOP governor says he’s considering 2024 White House bid by Jesuslovesthepackers
This is reddit. DeSantis bad because Florida bad because DeSantis bad. That's all you need to know.
Tullyswimmer t1_j6jjqhr wrote
Reply to comment by Yourcatsonfire in New Hampshire GOP governor says he’s considering 2024 White House bid by Jesuslovesthepackers
He's charismatic as fuck, and honestly, based on his performance in the state elections, is at the very least palatable enough to moderates to pull lots of moderate votes.
Tullyswimmer t1_j5v0pnj wrote
Reply to comment by AKBigDaddy in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
Doesn't have to be long distance HV transmission. Even just like 34k or 46k that would serve a neighborhood is going to get costly to bury.
Tullyswimmer t1_j5titgq wrote
Reply to comment by AKBigDaddy in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
> Last I saw it cost around $11500/mi to bury lines- not cheap by any means, but it could be covered in <10 years by a 1c/kwh increase statewide. Additionally, most new construction already has buried lines, no reason not to make that the standard.
Where did you see that? Because if it cost $2/foot to bury lines, the power companies would have buried all of them years ago.
The absolute cheapest per mile number I have found recently is $1.5 million to bury lines. Even in 2017, when Hydro Quebec floated the idea of burying 11 miles of lines (that didn't require any horizontal drilling, mind you), it was $4 million per mile
So if you have a way to put high voltage transmission lines in the ground for $2/foot, write Eversource and tell them because they'll be all over that.
Tullyswimmer t1_j5tiew4 wrote
Reply to comment by AKBigDaddy in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
Except most people know that that would be a complete lie. The powerlines in front of your house are almost never the ones that cause an outage. Outages usually happen upstream when they affect thousands of people.
Tullyswimmer t1_j5ti33u wrote
Reply to comment by l337quaker in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
Yeah, I used to work with a lot of people who lived in VT. They lost power about as much as we did, which is to say not all that much, except in really rural areas.
And there's also been a ton of people I know from MA who've been without power for several days due to this storm. So it's not unique to NH to lose power in a storm that features heavy snow and high winds.
Tullyswimmer t1_j5thoe5 wrote
Reply to comment by warren_stupidity in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
> I doubt the expense argument too
Seattle buried some power lines in 2007. It cost about $2500 per foot - and the way that article is written, it doesn't necessarily cover the whole cost.
A much cheaper proposition by Hydro Quebec was floated in 2017. And by "much cheaper" I mean it was $4.2 million per mile instead of the $13 million per mile it cost in Seattle.
Generally speaking, burying powerlines costs about 10x as much as running them overhead, and the numbers in that article come out to be just under $4 million per mile.
Even the most recent prices I can find, for PG&E, put a number between $1.5M and $3M per mile with the costs being paid by the people who are served by the electric utility, and the costs being dependent on how much the process is.
The reason that housing developments are putting utilities underground is that burying power cables rated for 200 amps when you already have trenches for water and sewer doesn't add a huge expense over running the cables overhead, since most of the cost, at that point, is the cable. Because for residential installs, the cost per foot is only about $8, unless there's local regulations and rules that make it significantly more expensive, because there's limited capacity in underground conduits and cable vaults.
And again, all of these costs are basic costs. They don't account for the type of terrain we have in NH. The closest we could get would be the cost from Hydro Quebec but even there the soil is much flatter and they weren't going to have to do any horizontal drilling to make it work - That was all using existing infrastructure for buried cable. Horizontal drilling is much harder when you have as much rock in your soil as we do.
Tullyswimmer t1_j5rk0ic wrote
Reply to comment by warren_stupidity in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
As someone else mentioned, if you wanna see your electricity bill skyrocket because of distribution fees, by all means... There's a reason that rural areas (and not just in NH, all over the world) don't bury conduit. It's expensive as hell.
Tullyswimmer t1_j5pvrxi wrote
Reply to comment by vexingsilence in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
And what Reddit doesn't realize is that if you bury lines, when you have to cross 93 in the whites, it takes significantly more cable, even cost of drilling aside. Much easier to put two tall poles up and run a "straight" line across a valley then go down and back up.
Tullyswimmer t1_j5pvjri wrote
Reply to comment by 01Zaphod in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
Squirrels. I've lost it a few times due to them. They'll get up on the lines and jump to the transformers and, well...
Also, in the terrain we have putting them underground is expensive as all hell and can only be done 6 months out of the year.
Tullyswimmer t1_j5pv97p wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Cantaloupe7160 in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
My parents have co-op, and the co-op trims trees constantly.
My parents also lose power constantly, for hours at a time, because the co-op only does last mile and relies on eversource upstream.
Tullyswimmer t1_j5pv2sf wrote
Reply to comment by warren_stupidity in Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
Yeah, because most construction isn't taking place on bedrock.
Running them underground from the pole to a building makes sense. Running them underground everywhere in the terrain we have in this state doesn't.
Tullyswimmer t1_j5lvhg9 wrote
Reply to Moultonborough, 12" or more so far here by akcattleco
I cleared the driveway this morning, had probably 8". Did it again just now, and there was at least 6 more. And it's still coming down pretty good. Should be interesting to see what we've got tomorrow morning.
Tullyswimmer t1_j4d2wt8 wrote
Reply to comment by Substantial-Wrap8634 in Looking for DnD players by [deleted]
Yeah, send me a DM, I'm more interested now.
Tullyswimmer t1_j4cvp5l wrote
Reply to Looking for DnD players by [deleted]
I'd be interested depending on the demographics of the group
Tullyswimmer t1_j13kzyi wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in We have a genius out there by EmeraldMoose12
> The person who told me about the law literacy said it was about making sure your windshield was clear before driving because a little girl was hit by someone looking through a little hole in the snow while trying to drive. Seemed pretty plausible to me at the time. Thanks for helping me know different.
I mean, it may also require that you do that, but the main thing here that the cops will care about and will fine you for is what's on the roof.
And if you ever get pulled over by a statie with snow on your roof, you're NOT getting out of that ticket. The staties in NH are known to be pretty lenient, especially for NH plates (I'm not making that up), but they do NOT give you any wiggle room with Jessica's law.
Tullyswimmer t1_jcdf74e wrote
Reply to comment by NckMcC in New Hampshire be like... by NationYell
Little bit less than we did. I'm ready for golf season, honestly.