
TylerJWhit t1_j86j6lr wrote

Did you consult any philosophers on this project?

Do you have any interest in working with academics in an effort to teach ethics via the video game avenue?

EDIT: when do you expect to be done with the game?

Have you had any video game testors?

What's been your previous experience in video game development?


TylerJWhit t1_j85m127 wrote

You don't understand. He removed the claim but at the time it was totally true.

Don't worry though, because he dropped the claim when it was.... Well when it was still true... Or something.

Major /s in case anyone is confused.


TylerJWhit t1_j8573es wrote

So... What methods and research did you go to confirm your product was biodegradable? Under which conditions are the biodegradable?

You keep saying they are biodegradable and at the same time saying you dropped the claim, then saying you still stand by it.

So once and for all, show us your work.


TylerJWhit t1_j5vqse4 wrote

I have two questions:

  1. Are there any critiques you can provide regarding common advice given on r/personalfinance r/povertyfinance, r/financialindependence, r/fatFIRE, r/leanfire r/r//FinancialPlanning, r/Fire, etc? A more pointed question would be what do you think of this chart: https://i.imgur.com/lSoUQr2.png
  2. Have you had experience dealing with notable fraud within the financial industry.? Banking seems to be a common industry for fraud according to SEON: https://seon.io/resources/industry-fraud-index/

TylerJWhit t1_j3g0t96 wrote

The question one must ask, and you'd do well to do so now, is to inquire as to why this study in particular was needlessly verbose and increasingly complicated when it would have sufficed to be as succinct as possible in their analysis and conclusion that disparities in sexual desire between mates lead to unsatisfactory relationships between the aforementioned mates.

Stated otherwise: Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick