
TzarKazm t1_iz6xesq wrote

Reply to RI drivers by [deleted]

My favorite are all the people in their jeeps and trucks that have to slow down to 2 miles an hour anywhere it says "bump" in the road.


TzarKazm t1_iyrwfgm wrote

I wonder what the penalty is for "filming minors without parental consent"? I'll bet it's massive. Or made up, either one.

I agree with you, it's them trying to save face. It's not an easy task to secure a large building, and maybe it's not worth it to do it the right way. But let's not make some grand gestures and say "mission accomplished." Do or do not, there is no try.


TzarKazm t1_ixjidy7 wrote

> Police are supposed to protect and serve.

I mean I guess. But it's not a motto of the police. It just happened to be the motto of Los Angeles. Since that's where they film most TV shows and movies, the motto made it into a lot of media.

Fall River's motto is "we'll try" which seems appropriate for most police.


TzarKazm t1_ixe5l00 wrote

Have you ever made personal photocopies on a work copier? It's fairly common to have one at home now, but it wasn't. I'll bet a lot of people my age have. I even borrowed a hand truck from work once when I was moving. I got permission, but I'm not sure the warehouse guy who gave me permission really had the ability to speak for the company.

It's not the right thing to do. But I agree with the other guy that it's not quite the crime of the century material. Tell them not to do that anymore and move on.


TzarKazm t1_iwswfym wrote

It's the ocean state, some sort of seafood is going to be on most menus. Places with less seafood are probably going to be ethnic places, Italian, Chinese, Indian, Mexican.


TzarKazm t1_iw0ms9q wrote

Try dealing with new jersey. Apparently you need to talk to Rhode Island ezpass to dispute a ticket in New Jersey. But if you don't know that and just dispute it with new Jersey, it's too late to talk to RI by the time NJ mails back the denial.


TzarKazm t1_iv0fefm wrote

I agree money is involved, but it's more than that. I feel like 10 years ago if someone in the party (either party) suggested that kids were pooping in litter boxes the rest of the party would have said "uhh that's crazy ". Now there is this GOP thing going on where you aren't allowed to call each other out, even if the other person is clearly unhinged (MTG). to me, that sounds dangerous as fuck, as the crazies whip up more crazy unchecked.

If GOP candidates aren't willing to call out the craziness, they can't be trusted in government.

To bring this full circle, Fung seems like a decent guy, and hasn't done a bad job from what I can tell, but he doesn't have the strength of will to admit that half (or more) of his party is completely nuts. That makes him an unsuitable candidate for office, regardless of what he personally believes.


TzarKazm t1_iuyxogo wrote

That's kind of what I was getting at. Off the top of my head, Romney, Cheney, they were willing to at least do what they thought was right. And they got demonized for it by the right.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't think Fung is full on MAGA, he just doesn't have the conviction to stand up to them, which makes him someone not worth voting for. I could be wrong, and he could be Q himself, that's just not the impression I get.


TzarKazm t1_iuy1zjv wrote

Fung himself doesn't seem like a bad guy, I've met him a couple of times, but he is 100% wrapped up in that GOP "push the lies" that they all do. The minute you admit that any of their made up nonsense might not be true, they turn on you.