
UbiSububi8 t1_j5vg9cr wrote

He was complaining yesterday about people worried that the police were recording folks who came out of a Drake concert, saying it was for their protection and to show the cops were on the job. They complained on twitter, he got the question, and blamed the people posting on twitter.

Such spin.

That’s just a mistake on his and the department’s part, and he refuses to admit it. Tell people why the cops are there - if their rationale is actually benign - before they get freaked out. Simple.

But he’s just spinning.

And blaming the people who posted to twitter (and insulting them) instead of seeing the situation from their perspective is a sign of a selfish leader who doesn’t care about his constituents.

And creating an “alternative press” to counteract the regular media is just a pissy-pants way of trying to deflect blame/criticism.

And to make it worse, he chose the Trump “fake news; press is bad; only believe what I tell you” approach.

He’s lucky NYC doesn’t have recall.