Udolikecake t1_j9wwjcy wrote
I mean there’s been like a dozen robberies on 18th and Columbia in the last month
the Streets has been robbed I think three times at this point, and the manager was beaten. They have a guard now. People certainly don’t feel quite as safe, and justifiably so.
I don’t feel unsafe, but the elderly woman I talked to the other day who was robbed in broad daylight may
Udolikecake t1_j65gl72 wrote
Reply to Does this subreddit represent the true sentiment DC residents have for their city? by 42beastmode
Every city sub is miserable.
I just moved here at the start of the December and I love it. Incredible place, diverse, historical, fun, beautiful, warm (compared to Boston!) etc. It’s great.
Udolikecake t1_j5qw6vf wrote
Reply to comment by NorseTikiBar in Is it accurate to say that Washington is grey people living grey little lives and everyday is a Monday? by bassboss84
Having moved from Boston that’s one thing I absolutely don’t miss lmao
Udolikecake t1_j5h8knw wrote
Shit, I live like next door to there. I had no idea. People there are great, I hope they’re okay
Usually there aren’t a ton of the really aggressive homeless/tweakers around there, I wonder if it was some random or something more sophisticated
Udolikecake OP t1_j2dpkuo wrote
Reply to comment by Ok_Vegetable_5705 in Allergists in the DMV who do oral immunotherapy with eggs by Udolikecake
Udolikecake OP t1_j2dpjgj wrote
Reply to comment by blissfully_chilling in Allergists in the DMV who do oral immunotherapy with eggs by Udolikecake
Thanks for the recommendation
Sorry to hear about the allergies and food challenges, never fun! Hope it gets better
Udolikecake t1_j20jeg2 wrote
Reply to Missed connection at DCA/Reagan/National by IdiotAtDCA
>We were both trying to discretely look at each other before our flight while we were in line together
> If we find her and it works out, we’ll invite everyone to the wedding and I’ll buy all the drinks / mocktails!
jesus mary and joseph
Udolikecake t1_itc3lnm wrote
Reply to comment by Bart_Chimpson in where to buy a 40 oz? by Bart_Chimpson
> assume im as miserable as their terminally online selves are.
I mean you’re the one asking for a 40 of Olde English at 6 in the morning so safe to assume you’re at least fairly miserable
Udolikecake t1_j9zqs34 wrote
Reply to comment by Pure_Contact5891 in Opinion | Is D.C. juvenile justice a revolving door? We need to know. by Maxcactus
Yeah, it’s really a very small minority committing the vast majority of crimes.
Boston did a great program in the 90s to solve this and it was wildly successful. Been done in many cities.
> In Boston, for example, which at the time had a population of roughly 556,180 people, approximately 1,500 individuals were identified as comprising 61 separate groups. This 0.3% of the population was responsible for 60% of the city's homicides.
This holds true in many cities. Like 1000 problem kids do 60-80% of all the killing. Targeting them and getting them off the streets does wonders. They focused all their resources into a few hot spots with these criminals and almost entirely eliminated youth gun violence.