
UltravioletClearance t1_j6nd48x wrote

Two thirds of the state lack any form of inter city public transit. It's a regressive tax on people who can't afford the luxury of living in a commuter rail town. Many of whom have already been forced past 495 or into New Hampshire by gentrification and a complete failure to build housing.

Even the commuter rail system within the 1A/1 fare zones is a mess. A lot of people who live near those stations work outside of the standard 9-5 work hours so the Fairmount and Needham lines don't serve a significant percentage of Boston residents.


UltravioletClearance t1_j6iolom wrote

Mike's Pasty is not any lesser than Modern or Bovas. It just gets a bad rep because of the crowds. But the past 3 times I've gone to Bovas the line was even longer than Mike's. And Mike's has other locations which aren't anywhere as busy as the North End location.


UltravioletClearance t1_j6dc3k7 wrote

A lot of people get swept up in marketing. OpenAI is yet another tech startup that leveraged venture capital to rapidly scale and market a "disruptive" technology into our lives with no plans to grow the company or product. I'm not worried about my job because I don't think OpenAI will even exist in a decade.

We see this trend time and time again, and it almost always results in the tech company going belly up and a return to the way things were. AirBnB killed hotels... now people are flocking back to hotels because AirBnB sucks. Uber/Lyft killed taxis... now people are flocking back to taxis and public transportation because Uber/Lyft sucks.


UltravioletClearance t1_j63m4sn wrote

Reply to comment by mslashandrajohnson in Sick time pay out? by funsk8mom

Its not taxed at 40 percent. You're probably seeing an increased withholding rate. When employers pay out a lump sum like a bonus or vacation payout, payroll treats it like your normal pay and assumes you're making that every pay period, so the withholding amount increases. You've simply overpaid on your taxes and will get that money back in your tax refund.


UltravioletClearance t1_j5udvcw wrote

Almost certainly going to offer $50K. I applied to a job there last year with a similar pay grade, something like $58k-$86k. I requested a salary in the middle of the band as it was the minimum I'd need to afford my apartment. The recruiter actually reached to to me and asked me if $58k was OK - the absolute minimum of the pay band and $30k lower than my absolute minimum survivable wage.

I didn't bother responding.


UltravioletClearance t1_j5qz3fm wrote

I guess I have to wonder, who are they trying to recruit? People with experience either got priced out to the exurbs or moved to the suburbs to raise a family. The only "talent" you have in the Boston metro area is recent college grads and juniors living with multiple roommates while saving up to buy a home along 495.


UltravioletClearance t1_j5pspq0 wrote

Enfield CT is in the Springfield MA metro area. Yikes. I hope all current and future workers are getting significant pay raises.

Companies insisting on putting their HQs in the most expensive neighborhoods of the most expensive city in the country then refusing to pay workers enough to live anywhere near the office really grinds my gears.


UltravioletClearance t1_j5k13tb wrote

100% depends on the insulation of the apartment. I live in a very well insulated first floor apartment and keep the thermostat at 65. I fill the oil tank once a year.

Is the hot water on gas? It definitely helps if heat is the only thing running on oil. Then you only have to worry about it in winter.

I wouldn't trust the number you were given. There's too many variables at play.


UltravioletClearance t1_j46q44s wrote

In fairness, the it didn't make sense to extend the Red Line into a wealthy rural town filled with single family homes on massive lots. They should have considered the Waltham route for the Red Line Extension. At least Downtown Waltham and the South Side are built up enough to justify rapid transit service, and the line could've served two college canpuses - Brandeis and Bentley University