
UndefinedDecoder t1_isvlfoc wrote

I'm in Northeastern New Mexico. We were evacuated because of the Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon wildfire earlier this year. We're back now to watch helicopters "re-seed" the burn scars here in the mountains. They've had 3 to 5 helicopters DAILY for 3 weeks doing this "re-seeding" project. Can someone give me an estimate on how long one of those can stay in the air before refueling? These are single prop and single tail stabilizer helos not unlike what are used for rescue missions in mountainous areas. Let's take their tank size and multiply it by the price per gallon for jet fuel and that times the 8 hours a day they're in the air every day and multiple that by 4 or 5 to get the cost of fuel alone for 1 day? It's rediculous the money spent here.