UndercoverPhilly t1_j7g0tgs wrote
Reply to comment by sapphicpisces in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
Public schools in general are terrible in Philly, with a few exceptions. I would not recommend families with children moving into the city itself unless they can afford private school tuition on top of housing costs which can be high in the safest neighborhoods. (Although cheaper than other cities like DC, NYC, SF, Boston)
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6xt0yf wrote
Reply to comment by LFKhael in Pro-Pedestrian/Biking City Council/Mayoral Candidates by Fattom23
Aside from the whole bicycle/pedestrian/car thing, who the police commissioner is makes a big difference, we saw that under the Nutter administration.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6xp6bi wrote
Reply to comment by AviateGolfSki in Pro-Pedestrian/Biking City Council/Mayoral Candidates by Fattom23
I'm with you. This is down on the list of priorities in Philly as a whole right now. Crime, poverty, education, opioid epidemic, homeless and trash at least are above it.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6xoq45 wrote
Reply to comment by LFKhael in Pro-Pedestrian/Biking City Council/Mayoral Candidates by Fattom23
The mayor appoints the police commissioner.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6xgzsw wrote
Reply to comment by LFKhael in Pro-Pedestrian/Biking City Council/Mayoral Candidates by Fattom23
Have any of the candidates even addressed the lack of cooperation or the duties of the PPD? (Other than Rynhart's financial report)
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6xfn1z wrote
Reply to comment by NonIdentifiableUser in Pro-Pedestrian/Biking City Council/Mayoral Candidates by Fattom23
thanks for clarifying.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6xbnf2 wrote
I don't think this is a car vs. anti-car issue. It is wrapped up in the role of the PPD in Philly. Has any candidate explicitly commented on what the PPD is supposed to be doing in the city and how they (mayoral candidate) will improve the quality of life and/or deal with crime?
I heard last year that PPD was not supposed to stop or deal with low level traffic violations. I thought the directive is that the PPD ignore all but the most serious of crimes. Am I wrong?
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6oohs5 wrote
Reply to comment by ColdJay64 in Carjackers were no match for a brave SEPTA driver and his 15-ton bus by TreeMac12
Doesn't matter. Here in Philly no bystander would have helped her. This bus driver deserves a raise!
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6iadl0 wrote
Reply to comment by leninluvr in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
I've tried that app and had no success with it. But what about people without a cell phone (not me)? They end up taking the bus, but call for a ride is a model I don't like. If the OP is coming from NYC, where there are still a lot of taxis you can hail on the street, it might be a shock.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6i7pa8 wrote
Reply to comment by ColdJay64 in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
True. I haven't gotten off at every station, but at my BSL station,Walnut/Locust, and Suburban and Jefferson (East Market) RR stations there are junkies and homeless people all the time. On the MLF, I've seen them at all the stations through CC and also at 69th St. terminal, but I don't ride either the MFL or BSL much since the pandemic.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6bk1sb wrote
Reply to comment by ThreePointsPhilly in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
Not necessarily for jumping the turnstile but for those people who are smoking, doing drugs, etc.on the subways and otherwise involved with criminal activity if the pendulum swings the other way (anti-crime) with leadership in the next generation. The system will probably close down (due to bankruptcy, low ridership) before there is anti-crime leadership. My point is that if we wanted a different way of life in the USA, we'd have it. Most people care about themselves (and maybe their immediate family) and that's it. I don't see that changing in at least a generation.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6bi2la wrote
Reply to comment by ThreePointsPhilly in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
Eventually they are going to get locked up. The more violence and anti-social behaviors that occur, the less sympathy there will be for them. I don't think we are at a point in the USA in which society is going to turn around and embrace a new kind of way to deal with breaking the law or in which the American people are going to change from being individualist, you are on your own, to "it takes a village," in the next 5-10 years. We've seen a multitude of mass shootings, even of children and nobody has done ANYTHING to help, other than train children and teachers to hide. If we aren't willing to protect our own children from being gunned down, we aren't going to help a junkie who is harassing people, shooting up or engaging in other anti-social behavior on public transportation.
I could be wrong, and I'd be happy if I were and something is developed that changes things for the better. I think it is more likely that the pendulum will swing in the other direction and there will be a harder crack down on violent crime and the petty crimes as well.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j6bdvr5 wrote
Reply to comment by ThreePointsPhilly in 50% of ALL of SEPTA's problems can be solved overnight by installing barriers that prevent gate hopping on Broad and MFL lines by scatterbrainedpast
The police are MIA so we can't rely on them.
Free rides for everyone will not work because those that are making the rides uncomfortable for a lot of people will still be on there. Even if it is free I'm not riding it while junkies reign free and the rest of the anti-social behavior and misdemeanors are happening on the BSL or MFL. I'd rather walk or take the bus and I don't need to see or experience all that negativity if I can help it.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j622ijl wrote
Typical. I used to live in a 400 sq. foot studio and my electric bills (including heat) were about $200 per month and still it was too cold, like about 58! I had huge windows. They had switched from radiators. I moved out that year. I will never move to a place with electric heat. Inefficient and too expensive.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j5u1x1k wrote
Reply to comment by enn_sixty_four in Temple holds safety town hall after student attacked near campus by redeyeblink
This is a thread about Temple. The majority of students and parents seem to want more police as do many residents in the city. It's a complicated issue so I apologize if my response is contradictory in certain points. I don't think it is a either/or and that type of thinking is not going to help. The crime situation DEFINITELY can get worse, not just at Temple but around the city.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j5twzwe wrote
Reply to comment by enn_sixty_four in Temple holds safety town hall after student attacked near campus by redeyeblink
I remember the incident. For sure it was wrong. However, the all or nothing is not going to be positive for the city. There needs to be an attempt at a truce, getting rid of the bad cops and building up the decent ones.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j5sqerd wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Temple holds safety town hall after student attacked near campus by redeyeblink
Also University City is not crimeless. There are plenty of incidents, especially a bit further north near Drexel, which also has their own police, but they don’t make the news. Penn has their own big shuttle buses, like Drexel, but also small vans that Penn students and employees can take. I’m sure this cuts down on a significant amount of incidents since they can get a ride home at night. Their campus also has more housing in it so they are within the Penn police domain. A lot of Temple students are living off campus and walking around to get to their homes or to take public transportation.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j5sp9sd wrote
Reply to comment by Mikemo05 in Temple holds safety town hall after student attacked near campus by redeyeblink
I think many young people in Philly were caught up in the protests and the police brutality cases that should not have happened. They had been under lockdown for a few months and going to protest was a way to get out of the house for a good cause. Although I do not approve of police brutality I was never behind defund the police in Philly or any big city for that matter. PPD has some serious problems that need to be dealt with, but there was already a ridiculous amount of crime. To think that it wouldn’t increase if police presence were reduced in Philly was naive.
I was in a local establishment a couple of days ago, and I live in CC, a supposedly “safe” area. This was about 9:00 pm. When I walked in no one was there and I placed an order. 5 minutes later the employees are upset because several young men came in and declared they needed to charge their phones. They were not buying anything. Charging their phones meant moving furniture in the place to use an outlet! WTH? The two customers behind me quickly left. The employee told the young men to leave and that could not come in there every night. They refused. Most likely they were armed and with only 3 employees what could they do? The employees were talking about the lack of a security guard in the place. I know they were scared.I consider myself lucky to get my stuff and get out of there. I walked home pretty fast. This is not something I have ever seen in the 15 years living in the area, and the first time I felt unsafe in a business.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j5pkl02 wrote
Reply to comment by BlackJoeGatto in Temple holds safety town hall after student attacked near campus by redeyeblink
Put the /s there.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j5pk9o6 wrote
I worked at Temple for about a year in the mid-aughts before it was built up with the dorms. Every staff and faculty member vacated the campus as soon as their job was done! You did not hang around there a minute longer than necessary especially after dark.
I honestly am not surprised and feel for the Temple students. For the most part they are just trying to get an education at a school that is not that expensive. Penn is probably the safest campus in the city and that's due to their Penn police force which is quite visible.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j4yd089 wrote
Reply to comment by he0ku in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
Other places not mentioned: Trader Joe's on Arch and Broad St., just a block from City Hall, depending where you are in Rittenhouse and around the corner, Reading Terminal Market. The Arch St. TJ does not get as crowded as the one on Market, which is always crowded. Also, on 19th and Spruce there is a small grocery store "Food and Friends." I've never shopped in it but passed it many times. Also between 15th and 16th on Spruce, another small market, Spruce Market. I used to get bread at Metropolitan Bakery on right off Rittenhouse Sq. There are so many places to go in walking distance--however prices might be higher than you are used to. One of my friends in the Northeast laughs when I talk about how cheap the produce is in the Italian Market compared to all the grocery stores I can walk to. Where they shop in the Northeast is cheaper than the Italian Market, which is the cheapest you can get walking distance (a hike) from Rittenhouse. Reading Terminal Market has some good deals but still not as cheap.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j4r551a wrote
Reply to comment by Vexithan in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
Also moved with Mambo but it was several years ago. They were great, even unscrewed my Ikea bed and put it back together in the new place (and it was put back together than it was when I originally did it!). Very nice and it took at most 2 or maybe 3 hours for my 1 bedroom. I had mostly boxes though and just went a block away.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j4b08u2 wrote
Reply to comment by lizzieblaze in What happened to the private SEPTA guards? by notnobodyspecial
If they PAY, they have a right to ride. They do not PAY.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j4b03qp wrote
Reply to comment by _crapitalism in What happened to the private SEPTA guards? by notnobodyspecial
It is a bandaid, but it would at least clean up SEPTA which is a start.
UndercoverPhilly t1_j7hbbrw wrote
Reply to comment by m0nsteramash in Moving Mondays - New Resident Questions by AutoModerator
There are rentals but they are expensive -- all these new constructions have studios and 1 bedrooms for $2000 +
If that's your budget it shouldn't be a problem--I just looked on trullia.com and there are 5393 rentals in Philadelphia.