UniversityofBath OP t1_iumpi2s wrote
Reply to comment by odin917 in We’re Sandhya Moise, David Phillips and Chan Lee from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. Our research aims to grow human red blood cells in the lab to help treat cancer and other diseases. by UniversityofBath
Yes, absolutely! It is the key aim of using technologies such as the bioreactor. We start with a small number of stem cells or progenitor that have the capacity to divide and give rise to more stem/progenitor cells, under the right conditions. Once we get enough starting stem/progenitor cells, we then modify the bioreactor conditions to promote their maturation (also known as differentiation) to form red blood cells. Our research aims to identify these best conditions to grow and mature these cells within bioreactors, as well as the starting cell number and final cell numbers we can get from the bioreactor.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iumnxwq wrote
Reply to comment by Lonely-Row-8726 in We’re Sandhya Moise, David Phillips and Chan Lee from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. Our research aims to grow human red blood cells in the lab to help treat cancer and other diseases. by UniversityofBath
Great question, thank you! It is both cutting edge and doable, however, currently it is expensive to mass produce them to be used in the clinic for blood transfusions. We can make a few millilitres in the lab, but existing technology does not support making 'units' of blood in a cost-effective manner (compared to donated blood costs). So you're correct - one of our key research aims is to design a 'bioreactor' technology that will make the red blood cell manufacturing process more efficient and hence cost-effective.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iumm605 wrote
Reply to comment by Annual-Mud-987 in We’re Sandhya Moise, David Phillips and Chan Lee from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. Our research aims to grow human red blood cells in the lab to help treat cancer and other diseases. by UniversityofBath
>This is very cool research that can impact so many lives! Thanks for the work that you do.
>My question is: Is it possible to also differentiate stem cells to other types of blood cells like platelets and white blood cells?
Hello, thank you for the great question! The starting cell type, known as BEL-A cells (developed by scientists at University of Bristol) that we work with, have been succesfully matured into red blood cells that are similar to native red blood cells found in the body - their biological signature and performance (e.g. oxygen-binding capacity) are comparable. Our aim of designing 'bioreactors' to mass manufacture these cells will be followed up with a list of criteria that we will check against to make sure that our bioreactor-produced cells are comparable to native red blood cells.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqx4c0y wrote
Reply to Hi, I’m Kit Yates. I’m a mathematical biologist at the University of Bath. I’m also a popular science author and a member of the scientific advisory group Independent SAGE by UniversityofBath
Thanks all, my time's up. It's been a blast. Please feel free to leave some feedback here:
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqx207q wrote
Reply to comment by zx2000n in Hi, I’m Kit Yates. I’m a mathematical biologist at the University of Bath. I’m also a popular science author and a member of the scientific advisory group Independent SAGE by UniversityofBath
I'm an advocate for better ventilation in schools and workplaces. I think it could make a significant difference both in terms of reducing the spread of covid, but also other airborne diseases.
There is an argument which says some of the reduction in R is due to immunity build up through prior infections and as such we may not be able to sustain R<1 indefinitely. Personally though I would prefer to gain immunity through a regular safe and effective vaccine rather than through infection. It is certainly the case that reductions in transmission provided by ventilation would reduce the effective reproduction number relative to what it would be otherwise, taking the edge of the peaks of waves that we might otherwise experience.
I don't believe though that ventilation/filtration is a silver bullet which will end the pandemic on its own. I think it is a tool in a multi-layered protection strategy that we should be implementing which includes vaccination, improved sick pay, mask wearing in some settings, messaging and testing.
We wrote an opinion piece about this in the BMJ earlier this year:
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqwzbup wrote
Reply to comment by TopSloth in Hi, I’m Kit Yates. I’m a mathematical biologist at the University of Bath. I’m also a popular science author and a member of the scientific advisory group Independent SAGE by UniversityofBath
Wow it's a fascinating question and one which goes beyond my expertise as I don't work in evolution.
As far as I understand though we already have several species of non-human animals which would be considered sentient, but to some degree it depends on your definition.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqwyke4 wrote
Reply to comment by Annual-Mud-987 in Hi, I’m Kit Yates. I’m a mathematical biologist at the University of Bath. I’m also a popular science author and a member of the scientific advisory group Independent SAGE by UniversityofBath
I'm certainly not at the forefront of these efforts, but we have scientists looking at all sorts of emerging threats. Bird flu, for example has been a popular potential candidate to make the jump from animals to humans and thence to have human to human transmission.
In the UK we have NERVTAG - The New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group for example.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqwvaqp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Hi, I’m Kit Yates. I’m a mathematical biologist at the University of Bath. I’m also a popular science author and a member of the scientific advisory group Independent SAGE by UniversityofBath
I'm not really a fan of horror as a genre. The last film that I watched that you could even describe coming close to that category is "The Orphanage" directed by Guillermo del Toro. I enjoyed that one, but generally it's not my thing.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqwuywm wrote
Reply to comment by Annual-Mud-987 in Hi, I’m Kit Yates. I’m a mathematical biologist at the University of Bath. I’m also a popular science author and a member of the scientific advisory group Independent SAGE by UniversityofBath
It's a great question.
That we had a pandemic of a respiratory virus I think was predictable and predicted. In that sense we should have been better prepared.
The exact timing and type of pandemic, however, is harder to predict.
Probably the best analogy is to earthquakes. It is almost impossible to predict particular earthquakes on any useful timescale before they happen, but actually we can characterise how frequently earthquakes of particular size happen in the long run. So while we can't prepare for a particular event we can prepare for generalities. In Japan, for example, they have an annual disaster preparedness day precisely because they are aware that the risks of earthquakes (and other natural disasters) there is high. In the UK, our relatively lower risk means that it probably isn't worth while to undertake these preparations.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqwu555 wrote
Reply to comment by UniversityofBath in Hi, I’m Kit Yates. I’m a mathematical biologist at the University of Bath. I’m also a popular science author and a member of the scientific advisory group Independent SAGE by UniversityofBath
Whilst each flap of a butterfly’s wings does change the air pressure around it, this fluctuation quickly dissipates and is incredibly small in comparison to the large-scale changes in air pressure which determine the weather. Within a few centimetres of a flapping butterfly the disturbance it causes will have been dissipated by the surrounding air molecules, making it difficult to imagine how the minute changes caused by butterfly’s wing flaps could be amplified fast enough to manifestly change the forecasted weather to the degree required to trigger or avert a tornado.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqwu0e2 wrote
Reply to comment by CrassostreaVirginica in Hi, I’m Kit Yates. I’m a mathematical biologist at the University of Bath. I’m also a popular science author and a member of the scientific advisory group Independent SAGE by UniversityofBath
Those are great questions. I'm afraid I will have to duck the first one because that isn't my area of expertise. I primarily work in developmental biology/pattern formation and epidemiology.
That said, there are lots of really interesting questions about stability and robustness of eco systems, which can be tackled using tools similar to the ones I employ.
In terms of Ian Malcolm, I'm pleased to think a mathematician was important enough to be one of the few people who should be afforded a sneak preview of Jurassic Park. I think they could have worked a little bit harder on his explanations of the mathematics of chaos in the film.
I think the butterfly effect is perhaps one of the most misunderstood "popular concepts" in all of science. It's an attempt to explain the fact that chaotic systems (like the weather) are typically extremely sensitive to their initial conditions, but I think it's been misappropriated to suggest we can calculate the probability of a hurricane arising from any flap of a butterfly's wings, which is not possible.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqn2auw wrote
Reply to comment by TheGrandExquisitor in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
Primate cognition is not my field of study. However, it is true that lemurs have less developed cognitive skills than other primates, such as apes. On the other hand, lemurs use sensory modalities differently than other primates - for example, their olfaction is much more developed than those of apes or humans.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqn1sfx wrote
Reply to comment by CrustedButte in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
To trigger male mating behaviour I soack cotton strips with the chemical mixture and put the strips inside the enclosure, so the lemurs can smell the odour (but avoid it if they find it unpleasent).
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqn15pv wrote
Reply to comment by Throwawaybaby09876 in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
Sorry, I have never been in Skansen in Stockholm
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqn0yis wrote
Reply to comment by elouise84 in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
No, unfortunately they don't host gentle lemurs
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqn0f5n wrote
Reply to comment by TheInternetCat in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
In addition to lemurs, I have also worked with cotton-top tamarins during my PhD work. I loved them!
Psychology is not my field of study, but clearly humans have much in common with other primates and so primatology can help us to improve our understanding of human psycology via comparative studies.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqmzokc wrote
Reply to comment by onlycrazypeoplesmile in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
No, lemurs are not suitable as pets. For example in Europe it is illegal.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqmz56a wrote
Reply to comment by Kiwilolo in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
I chose to use non-invasive methods to collect my data (behavioural data, feacal samples, and ano-genital odour samples via positive reinforcement training) both to avoid distress the study subjects (safeguard animal health) and to not affect the results. I avoided to use blood to analyse hormone levels and to capture animals to collect odour samples. In most cases I think we can opt for non-invasive methods, it is logistically more difficult but a better ethical choice - I believe.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqmxju6 wrote
Reply to comment by tenaciousfetus in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
The fact that they kiss each other! They do it to understand if the other animal eat something that could be interesting, but anyway is lovely to see!
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqmvbz7 wrote
Reply to comment by NavidaS in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
It is not ideal to introduce a non-native species in a new environment. It could cause problems to native species both in terms of feeding resources and competition.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqmupwj wrote
Reply to comment by psichickie in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
Unfortunately, due to the difficulties in managing this species in captivity, they are not common in European zoos. In Europe there are around twenty facilities that host gentle lemurs. Yes, reintroduction can only occur in their native habitat, which then needs to be protected
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqmrixp wrote
Reply to comment by k0rda in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
No! They are very different from you see in the movie ;-)
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqmqed2 wrote
Reply to comment by ohmymymyohohmy in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
Lemurs are under threat mainly from the illegal burning of their habitat by people for conversion to rice plantations.
75% of the population around Lac Alaotra rely on fishing and weaving products as their main source of income. A healthy marshland leads to healthy fish stocks and a
self-sustaining growth of vegetation, both directly benefitting the
local community and economy.
However, there are several projects led by the international network of zoos and NGOs focused on the protection of this endangered species of lemurs and their habitat.
I think that we are heading to the right direction, working on education programmes with local communities and supporting eco-tourisms (which is the primary way for people to make a living while lemurs inhabit the same area). Nevertheless, the situation is really bad and we must act immediately if we want to help people and save animals.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iqmo6nt wrote
Reply to comment by YogiBarelyThere in Hello, I’m Dr Sara Fontani from the University of Wolverhampton in the United Kingdom and I’m a primatologist. I’m here to talk about captive lemur’s welfare, reproduction and conservation. Please ask me anything! by UniversityofBath
Lake Alaotra and its surronding marshland is a rich habitat for wildlife, but also very much threatened wetland habitat due to its location in the middle of an important rice-growing region. We are currently unsure about the percentage of untouched habitat, but bear in mind that at national level it is estimated that almost 90% of forest is lost.
UniversityofBath OP t1_iumq9p8 wrote
Reply to comment by meanderingsquid in We’re Sandhya Moise, David Phillips and Chan Lee from the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. Our research aims to grow human red blood cells in the lab to help treat cancer and other diseases. by UniversityofBath
Thank you so much for your kind words and the great question! If we use the right starting cell type, we can theoretically produce any target cell type of interest. For instance, we use red blood progenitor cells, which are what we refer to as 'lineage-committed' - so they can only mature into red blood cells and not other cell types in the blood tissue. However, the technology we are developing could use any starting cell type from the blood tissue - so if we were to use haematopoietic stem cells (not lineage-committed), we could potentially produce other cell types in the blood tissue such as white blood cells and platelets.