Woooow, so we have multiplied the mammal population on earth by ten respect the "natural" population.
In other words, we have enslaved 90% of other mammals 😔
The most sad is to see the STUPID smile of friends and neighbours when i comment this kind of facts in social meets, and they only answer stupid things like: it's so delicious animal meat.
I feel that this kind of people would be able to eat me if we would live on a parallel dystopian society 🤔
UsandoFXOS t1_ixairyh wrote
Reply to comment by tuctrohs in Environmental Impacts of Food Production by Corvid-Moon
Woooow, so we have multiplied the mammal population on earth by ten respect the "natural" population.
In other words, we have enslaved 90% of other mammals 😔
The most sad is to see the STUPID smile of friends and neighbours when i comment this kind of facts in social meets, and they only answer stupid things like: it's so delicious animal meat.
I feel that this kind of people would be able to eat me if we would live on a parallel dystopian society 🤔