Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_it6ucfv wrote
Reply to CT children’s hospitals consider calling National Guard for overflowing patients with respiratory illnesses by zeaqqk
Totally normal guys don't ask any questions.
Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_it1vatz wrote
Reply to Early voting? Secretary of state candidates disagree on whether it’s right for Connecticut. by jr_reddit
The more people that vote the less likely Republicans win.
It's literally that simple.
Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_it1teci wrote
The robot children uprising is near. They're becoming too powerful.
Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_is9v6ci wrote
Reply to Bristol shooting. by iamsce
Sorry, I will NEVER give up my guns.
Usedtoknowsomeone46 t1_it9yu74 wrote
Reply to comment by Athenas_Return in Active Shooter Reported at Multiple Locations by teabaggedyourdrumset
God dammit I missed my chance.
Back to saving for a PS5 it is I guess :(