UsefulIncome5187 OP t1_iuhj0a7 wrote
Reply to comment by hecatonchires266 in My gf 19f and I 20m are currently in long distance and I don’t think I can do it anymore by UsefulIncome5187
If I had know the guy for 3 years and lived with him for weeks at a time yes I think I would
UsefulIncome5187 OP t1_iuhipza wrote
Reply to comment by hecatonchires266 in My gf 19f and I 20m are currently in long distance and I don’t think I can do it anymore by UsefulIncome5187
I’m not just some guy I’ve visited many times and so has she her family and I are on very good terms.
Not trying to argue with you either just making sure you have all the information
UsefulIncome5187 OP t1_iuhidyq wrote
Reply to comment by hecatonchires266 in My gf 19f and I 20m are currently in long distance and I don’t think I can do it anymore by UsefulIncome5187
I have a house and I’ve lived in it for 4 months now I have a stable job and it pays alright and rents very cheap were I am
UsefulIncome5187 OP t1_iuhjbdw wrote
Reply to comment by hecatonchires266 in My gf 19f and I 20m are currently in long distance and I don’t think I can do it anymore by UsefulIncome5187
I’ll take that into consideration thank you