VaderTower t1_j4y59x8 wrote
Reply to comment by MartonianJ in Our fair city's wikipedia page needs an update by salad-lover
What ever happened to that anyways? Seems like it fizzled out but someone is still paying for hosting?
VaderTower t1_j4y510r wrote
Reply to comment by LifeRocks114 in Our fair city's wikipedia page needs an update by salad-lover
Agreed but woah. Tiny town?! How have I never heard of that, that's awesome!
VaderTower t1_j4y47bh wrote
Reply to comment by Marqueso-burrito in WTF do I have to join a cult to find a job around here damn! by mrd247
Months? Theres no less than 3 people here sharing opportunities for work starting at $17/hr for no experience.
Idk what a livable wage is to you, but a single person making $35k or two adults making $70k is livable. Not long ago I made $35k and supported a significant other going to school full time. Things were tight but we made it by just fine for several years like that.
VaderTower t1_j4sjbid wrote
Reply to comment by SneakAttackSax in Springfield needs to step up! Patriot Front is taking over and mocking our city. by Upper_Case_655
Bring a knife and scrape it off, we don't need tons of stickers at Busiek.
VaderTower t1_j40cdtw wrote
Reply to comment by Matthiasad in Springfield City Council votes 5-3 to approve zoning request for 7 Brew on Sunshine & Jefferson by SliceOfBrain
It's numbers, demographics, and market research.
Things get built in locations that meets those metrics. It would make money where you're talking, but obviously they've crunched their numbers and this is the location that makes sense. Otherwise they wouldn't have fought so damn hard.
My guess is that they're trying to cluster themselves near Starbucks in town. Starbucks also has big money to do all that research, then just copy what they do, while also using clustering.
VaderTower t1_j3uzhpc wrote
Reply to comment by lemler3 in How to proceed by [deleted]
Absolutely. Incredibly inappropriate, as a man you're conditioned to know the boundaries, and you do everything in your power to make sure nothing you do even SEEMS suspect.
I'll not assume the worst, at the least he needs to take some boring hours of HR mandated training until it's burned in his skull.
VaderTower t1_j3p3prv wrote
Reply to comment by daysknight in car meet on battlefield by daysknight
If it's anything like the long long ago.
You just show up, and start talking cars. Though doing that for 3-4 years does start to get really repetitive.
VaderTower t1_j2xd8l2 wrote
Reply to comment by internationalkoala00 in Republic Services customers wait weeks for trash pickup by internationalkoala00
Yeah you're getting robbed, there's 3-4 other options that are all within the $15-$20/mo club.
VaderTower t1_j2xcpde wrote
Reply to comment by mb10240 in Apparently Springfield is in the top 30 "loneliest" cities in America by Xefjord
Agreed, terrible metric, if anything living alone here is more based on a low cost of living. More people here likely don't NEED a roommate, partner, or spouse to share rent or a mortgage with to survive.
Also agreed on lonely here. Church is the social hub, but there is a big portion that don't go to church and don't do anything else.
VaderTower t1_j2x3557 wrote
Reply to comment by internationalkoala00 in Republic Services customers wait weeks for trash pickup by internationalkoala00
Our neighborhood fb group had someone missed since 12/12 and they finally cancelled yesterday.
VaderTower t1_j2x2yd7 wrote
Reply to comment by mattmaddux in Republic Services customers wait weeks for trash pickup by internationalkoala00
I'd second Queen City, never had a problem, no billing issues, never pickup issues. If I get it in the bin by 8am it'll be gone when I get home.
I think they're at $50/3mo now too? Can't complain.
VaderTower t1_j2wxpa1 wrote
Reply to comment by ArtisticTomatillo106 in Does anyone have more information on this? by round_is_funny
Neither side here actually believes that any money will be made from the $750 fines.
That being said, the goal of one side is just to scoot the homeless away. Similar to how years ago people realized a bus ticket to Cleveland (or insert random city halfway across the country) was cheaper than providing services for homeless. It didn't solve the problems, just moved them away.
Similar to now the fine isn't going to solve anything, just get homeless people out of sight. Stupid yes, but unfortunately the people putting this policy in place aren't illogical, they'll likely get their desired outcome (not seeing as many homeless people) while doing nothing for society generally.
VaderTower t1_j2ptt0v wrote
Reply to comment by Alarmed-Cartoonist39 in dark tourist needing directions by Alarmed-Cartoonist39
One of the most famous in recent memory is the Springfield Three.
The house is at 1717 E. Delmar Street
VaderTower t1_j1vcxiq wrote
Reply to comment by dreadpirateryan13 in BJS trophy shop. by [deleted]
Another interesting point is the user has only 2 posts on Reddit and they're both here.
I'm less inclined to believe a completely anonymous account that has come out of no where with no background.
Not saying the company is good or bad, just that I don't know how credible the negative review is.
VaderTower t1_j1g4bov wrote
Reply to comment by Golden3ye in Woke up to frozen pipes this morning, can’t get under our crawl space to see which one and if any busted. Any recommendations on a plumber? As well does anyone know roundabout what I should expect to pay? First timer here by Maleficent-Bssh
The important question that needs answering.
VaderTower t1_j14ofvb wrote
Same issue as the rest. Going 45 on Glenstone, get 50 feet away and realize someone in black clothes is walking across the road. Slam on the brakes because I can't really tell which direction they are going.
What the hell ... I'm not even surprised by pedestrians being hit and killed at night anymore with this happening to anyone who drives after dark.
VaderTower t1_j0nmay3 wrote
Reply to comment by internationalkoala00 in Ethiopian restaurant by Redneckshittery
Zayka has been my go-to for starting people. I thought I didn't like Indian for years until I had good Indian food.
VaderTower t1_j0nm7zx wrote
Reply to comment by Netzapper in Ethiopian restaurant by Redneckshittery
Really good take and I'd agree.
I think Thai food, or at least Americanized Thai is popular here. Same with Americanized Chinese.
Vietnamese, Korean, and Indian hold a small niche.
I'm with you though, I like trying new food, tried Ethiopian in a restaurant everyone raved about and, I just couldn't get into it. From the bread to the meat it was just not the right flavor or texture for me.
VaderTower t1_j0ibl4d wrote
Reply to comment by LurkingOakleaf in Dentists in the area by MonoChaos
That's a great point. I went to one that accepted my insurance and was cheaper. Suggested doing everything, fixing everything, etc.
Went to another after declining everything, this one now costs more, less is covered by insurance, but is a straight shooter. I ask "hey this spot on my tooth, that bad?", "Nah man it's fine for now, if it starts hurting or get worse we'll fix it but no worries for now!".
VaderTower t1_j0701h4 wrote
Reply to comment by You_Ate_The_Bones in Hammons Tower seems to get a lot of love around here... make it yours! by Globalksp
Doesn't look like it's for sale. Just a lot of office space open to lease.
VaderTower OP t1_j04zla4 wrote
Reply to comment by Maxwyfe in Positive Springfield Growth by VaderTower
Brad Pitt's going to be at the Whataburger opening?!
VaderTower OP t1_j033uq1 wrote
Reply to comment by name-isnt-important in Positive Springfield Growth by VaderTower
Oh man, I'm not in the manufacturing space. But that's something new I sure could get excited for.
Just being curious, what are some specific examples of specific light manufacturing for a laymen?
VaderTower OP t1_j009y9k wrote
Reply to comment by Whereismymind3 in Positive Springfield Growth by VaderTower
Honestly, I think we're about to see more of this. Especially with the "Basecamp of the Ozarks" branding we have established.
We're likely on the path to a mini NWA with their trials, however we need to solve our own branding so that it's unique to us.
VaderTower OP t1_j009og0 wrote
Reply to comment by BrotherJombert in Positive Springfield Growth by VaderTower
While I don't disagree, there isn't just free money anywhere.
To do the level of support we need additional taxes, bond measures, or some avenue for additional revenue to earmark for these programs.
If you don't have billionaire money. Write your council person, state representative, and state senator. Seriously, it makes a difference. Don't use premade forms, write a letter or call their office directly. They truly love to hear from passionate and non crazy constituents.
VaderTower t1_j4y66gf wrote
Reply to comment by Marqueso-burrito in WTF do I have to join a cult to find a job around here damn! by mrd247
What difference does it make if McDonald's workers make that? Good for them, damn.
$85k great take it, that's much better than SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE. You know the median income for an entire household in Springfield is $40k?
And you're damn right, you have kids, you have to feed them, pay for doctors, pay for school, pay for everything. You're a parent, suck it up, they're relying on you.
I have more responsibilities than you'd imagine, spouse, kids, job, second job, keeping employees alive, volunteering, home renovations. Don't complain to me, I'd kill to take $85k and ONLY have one job with a wife and a kid.