Pft. What a load. I mean a false equivalence if I've ever heard one.
Immigrants generally don't cause harm to society the way cops do. There's something driving them to get here,and it's usually poverty or violence. I don't fault them for that.
I also don't hate cops enough to wish death on them the way nazis (many of which are cops as they've inflitrated our police departments) wish death on me for being trans.
I've never been "helped" by a cop. Never in my 40 years on this earth. Every interaction has been shit. They're bullying, self-serving authoritarians who relish the idea of having power over others. That's why they take that job.
...Have you ever seen the training they go through? Do you know how they talk about civilians in their union meetings, how they're trained to view us? They're slave-retrievers-turned-occupying-force. They think they're in a war with the very communities they claim to protect.
VaeVictoria t1_iyevbj8 wrote
Reply to comment by Drew_P_Nuts in What happened at Davis sq? Taped off with lots of cops. by shminkydink
Pft. What a load. I mean a false equivalence if I've ever heard one.
Immigrants generally don't cause harm to society the way cops do. There's something driving them to get here,and it's usually poverty or violence. I don't fault them for that.
I also don't hate cops enough to wish death on them the way nazis (many of which are cops as they've inflitrated our police departments) wish death on me for being trans.
I've never been "helped" by a cop. Never in my 40 years on this earth. Every interaction has been shit. They're bullying, self-serving authoritarians who relish the idea of having power over others. That's why they take that job.
...Have you ever seen the training they go through? Do you know how they talk about civilians in their union meetings, how they're trained to view us? They're slave-retrievers-turned-occupying-force. They think they're in a war with the very communities they claim to protect.
Your response is ridiculous.