Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j4krj6u wrote

If the truths about the solar system that this guy discovered in the third century BC had been recorded & maintained and taught throughout the centuries, mankind would have been a lot further ahead in our understanding of our place in the universe.

But instead some religion decided to start teaching everyone that the Earth was the center of the universe and it took centuries for scientists & religions to straighten all that out again.


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j475kat wrote

So weird. I wonder if this is low-key some sort of satanic ritualistic sacrificial ceremony that occurred to me in my subconsciousness, see Hollywood is apparently doing it and they're all satanists but I've never heard of such a thing, maybe it's a vibe. Anyway In my dream we were all dressed in soft pink & blue pastel colors because I 'm a girl and that's how my dreams are


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j44nni8 wrote

Last night I dreamt someone was laying on a table in an ice cream shop and I was trying to murder her by wrapping her to the table with Saran wrap. Then someone approached and I tried to explain "it's not what it looks like," I'm an innocent sweet girl and there's a logical explanation for this 😆

Next dream I'd just had sex with someone I knew IRL who I'd NEVER want to have sex with, but in the dream we were both happy & satisfied, then he said "Here take this," tried to hand me money and I felt insulted, "I'm not a prostitute! I did that because I WANTED to..."

Anyway dreams are weird, they rarely make sense at face value, and rarely should be interpreted literally.


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j1y0qgc wrote

Whenever I try to Bluetooth my car to one phone, and my earbuds to another phone, the car takes over & doesn't allow the secondary phone to connect to my earbuds... It's frustrating & weird because my car can't connect to two Bluetooth devices at once, but as soon as I activate Bluetooth on a secondary device my car hijacks it & abandons the other device.