Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_ixpbfw1 wrote
Reply to comment by WaitingForNormal in TIL the first media report about the shift from lighters to the cellphone was a U2 concert in Chicago in 2005. by PlasterBaby
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_ixl7med wrote
Reply to comment by FiredFox in TIL that the 1983 Dodge Caravan was the first car with built in cup holders by FiredFox
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_ix5b2x1 wrote
Reply to comment by _tnr in Jack Daniel’s asks Supreme Court to hear dog toy dispute. Will they bite? by WREGnewschannel3
But free advertisement does indeed increase revenue.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iwv2cm6 wrote
Reply to comment by Jugales in Man has home 'stolen' as property and everything inside sold from under him by Aggravating_Pie7747
How did Scotty live alone as a teenager? How did he afford rent/mortgage?
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_ivwzv7g wrote
Reply to comment by PolyJuicedRedHead in TIL Winona Ryder was born in Winona, Minnesota by JoeyZasaa
Ok well maybe Ashley Judd's sister was born in one of those towns.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iuk7wx0 wrote
Reply to comment by Lost0angeles in Scam email today really knew how to play it subtle: "Join the Illuminati" by Balgrin
Yes please. Thanx. Yay I'm in. Now I will charge $33.75 to anyone who wants to know illuminati secrets.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iuhu4vg wrote
Reply to comment by Dokibatt in This picture speaks for itself. by acuategain
Where do I buy the right shirt so you & I can be BFFs?
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iugwx2v wrote
Is the card addressed to Jascon? Or Jaxon?
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iugu79j wrote
Reply to comment by DoctorBocker in Scam email today really knew how to play it subtle: "Join the Illuminati" by Balgrin
Why did they send an invitation to u/Balgrin but not to me? 😢
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iugtpox wrote
It is cute & sad & funny. I hope she has plenty of love & support to see her through.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iuehebh wrote
Reply to comment by CelticCynic in TIL Billy Joel's 1993 album River of Dreams' cover is a painting by his then-wife Christie Brinkley. Rolling Stone later gave Brinkley the Top Picks award for "The Best Album Cover of the Year." by trifletruffles
Early '80s Joel Doo-Wop was the best Joel. I personally found this River of dreams album a little bit nauseating.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iuacofe wrote
Reply to Family pic of my mom, her 5 brothers, and their kids. Uncle Steve chose to wear only short shorts that day. by burntgreens
I would decline to sit next to my brother if he chose to dress like that.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iuacj40 wrote
Reply to comment by burntgreens in Family pic of my mom, her 5 brothers, and their kids. Uncle Steve chose to wear only short shorts that day. by burntgreens
Gramma must've been a hottie gettin' continuously laid for decades with no rest.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iu6p6m9 wrote
Reply to comment by hmm_okay in Elon Musk lugs a porcelain sink into Twitter headquarters (for some reason). by Alabussy
Oh that makes sense
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iu0ijo0 wrote
Reply to comment by Postgis in Elon Musk lugs a porcelain sink into Twitter headquarters (for some reason). by Alabussy
I think you meant to say
This is the most work he has ever done. LET THAT SINK IN.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iu0ieb1 wrote
Reply to comment by hmm_okay in Elon Musk lugs a porcelain sink into Twitter headquarters (for some reason). by Alabussy
Nice try but that's not a kitchen sink. A restroom sink. And if it was a kitchen sink then the phrase "taking everything but the kitchen sink" still wouldn't work here because he is literally taking the sink.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_it3ohq4 wrote
Reply to IAMA Dating, Love & Relationship Expert appearing on tonight’s episode of Reality of Love on DistroTV for my 3rd IAMA. Let’s talk love, swiping, dating, ghosting, apps, relationships and anything else you want! by JourneymanHunt
Would you want to sexually spend the rest of your life with someone you'll have to wear a condom with because they have genital herpes and you don't?
You love this person but the genital herpes is almost a deal-breaker for you. But you really love this person.
What do you do?
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_is3jprn wrote
Reply to comment by Spock-1701 in Found a little flipbook in this comedians autobiography by HalpTheFan
Shaun Micallef
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iqsqiw3 wrote
Reply to comment by charrcheese in I created deAMAZONatorto help you find a non-amazon place to buy your books! by LordGnomeMBE
And someone else has already done this. They developed an extension and a website for shopping the same items you would find on Amazon except not from Amazon. And they spammed it all over Reddit repeatedly for quite some time.
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_ixpbgxw wrote
Reply to comment by milkysway1 in TIL the first media report about the shift from lighters to the cellphone was a U2 concert in Chicago in 2005. by PlasterBaby