Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_jc4czli wrote

If you're unemployed, how are you surviving? How do you afford to pay rent/mortgage for a dwelling? How do you afford food to eat?

If you've spent the last 12 years of your life writing things that no one else wants to write, and your work is valuable, how are you not getting paid?

And have you questioned how you spend your time so that you should be getting paid for the value that you contribute to society?


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_jaz7mcz wrote

  1. How does the act of sleeping in a tent earn money? Since when does anyone give a fuck when a kid sleeps in a tent? Let alone shower him with money?

  2. Who gave him authorization to camp out in front of London Zoo, Ten Downing Street, Twickenham Rugby Stadium? And did his parents stay with him while he slept out there in front of these huge public venues?

  3. "Max has directly funded 15 nurses for a whole year"? What does that mean? He's paying nurses' salary with money he somehow earned while sleeping? Were the nurses not going to be paid otherwise?

>"Max's final fundraiser will host three music stages along with an exhibition of previously unseen movie memorabilia. Brad Pitt's sword & shield from the film Troy and the original board from the Jumanji film are expected to be included on display. There will also be a guest appearance from Welsh Game of Thrones actor and stuntman Ian Whyte."

And he was awarded a British Empire Medal.

Please forgive my pragmatic critical thinking, but this all reeks of illuminati bullshit.


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j9nptrz wrote

Thank you, I find this interesting & amazing because literally just yesterday I received an Amazon package in one of these squishy envelopes and I was tempted to dissect it to see what makes it puffy & soft but I didn't feel like going through the process of dissecting it, and now you did so I don't have to 😃👍