Vapid_Ingenue t1_j0ty436 wrote
Reply to comment by WoodwickVonRazzle in Facebook parent Meta adding to Henrico footprint with code-named ‘Project Tropical’ data center - Richmond BizSense by Charlesinrichmond
I'm on RVA 5/6. The clearing you're talking about, is it across the street from craft parking on Portugee Rd? If so, that's actually QTS expansion. Meta hasn't really started clearing for 7/8 yet
Vapid_Ingenue OP t1_j0nqor0 wrote
Reply to comment by WontArnett in Richmond nears the top of naughty list for the most aggressive holiday drivers by Vapid_Ingenue
Yeah driving around today it was insane. I just wanted to get the hell off the roads
Vapid_Ingenue OP t1_j0nmiw5 wrote
Reply to Richmond nears the top of naughty list for the most aggressive holiday drivers by Vapid_Ingenue
Sixth in the nation, RVA. We can do better!
Submitted by Vapid_Ingenue t3_zolzh8 in rva
Vapid_Ingenue t1_j0bfjcq wrote
Reply to Rainy Thursdaily by shhimhuntingrabbits
Mazzy Star: Fade into You
Only because it evokes angsty teen memories
Vapid_Ingenue t1_j01nchj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Happy Tuesdaily by Quardener
Vapid_Ingenue t1_izer7fl wrote
Reply to comment by Charlesinrichmond in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
Well let me help educate you: I don't give a fuck about you or any of your professors
Vapid_Ingenue t1_izce8eb wrote
Reply to comment by Gwala_BKK in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
Just for clarity, what exactly do you mean when you say "low class people?"
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iza4ylq wrote
Reply to comment by GMUcovidta in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
Fair enough. I'll concede that. But corporations owning hundreds or thousands of single family homes all throughout a city... it just ain't right
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iz9wu0b wrote
Reply to comment by Diet_Coke in Casino tops Richmond wish list [to VA General Assembly], but affordable housing lies at the heart by CrassostreaVirginica
It should be illegal for corporations to own single family homes
Vapid_Ingenue t1_ixsbp2s wrote
Don't hate the player, hate the game
Vapid_Ingenue t1_ixpujil wrote
Reply to comment by arolet in Thanksnightly by cleverocks
When I was a child I was told a story of how Ocracoke Island got its name. Apparently during the Puritan times a lot of people were put to death for supposed witchery, and one of the methods was to hang them from a cross on the shoreline, pierce their midsection, and essentially starve them to death. When the person died, crows would come and pluck their eyeballs out. People on the cross would be suffering so badly, in such misery and agony, that they would cry out, "Oh caw, crow!" because they wanted to die and end their pain.
Now, as an adult with Internet access, I realize my dad was full of shit
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iwyrriq wrote
Reply to Amtrak staples mill parking by Gamblingaddictama
It will be sent immediately to the crusher
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iw2scd6 wrote
Reply to comment by MaryDellamorte in Can’t get to my apartment on Hamilton. by xDocFearx
Has Waze gotten any better about saying to turn a little sooner? I was using it a couple years ago but stopped because it would always tell me to turn so late that it made it dangerous
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iuk5rwp wrote
Reply to comment by sleevieb in Exceeding expectations - Virginia Business by ThatChildNextDoor
Yes. It's still being built. Buildings 1, 2 and 3 are operational. Buildings 5 and 6 have not been completed. The ten million man hours are in reference to the construction of the complex
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iujpomt wrote
Reply to comment by Chickenmoons in Exceeding expectations - Virginia Business by ThatChildNextDoor
At full bore we've had around 1200 trades workers
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iujgnth wrote
Reply to comment by ThatChildNextDoor in Exceeding expectations - Virginia Business by ThatChildNextDoor
The one I'm working at has fed over 1000 families for the past few years. We recently hit 10,000,000 man hours
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iui9p7y wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Happy Mondaily-oween! by TheRiverRam
Honestly it's a mixed bag. CWs and apprentices skew younger, but it's not unreasonable to see an apprentice in their thirties or possibly even forties. CEs and JWs are typically older simply because those classifications mean the person has been doing this job longer. There are a lot of JWs in their fifties and sixties. The skilled trades are losing more people to retirement than we're bringing in each year
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iui7nn3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Happy Mondaily-oween! by TheRiverRam
It's been rolling hard for the last five-ish years. Things are slowing down on this job and everyone is waiting to see ground break for buildings 7 and 8. When this job is fully staffed it's probably close to 500 union jobs. We are reasonably expecting a piece of the Diamond District work, which will wind up being years of steady work. Fingers crossed for the Lego job but it doesn't seem like we're getting it
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iuhlsp3 wrote
Reply to Happy Mondaily-oween! by TheRiverRam
Leave at 5:30. Union electrician at the Henrico data center. Thirty minute commute. Work four tens and two eights
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iuczl0b wrote
Reply to comment by darksyns in Sundaily: All I know this morning is this aged well by cleverocks
Do what? Last month I Ubered and it was sixteen bucks for a fifteen minute drive. Did it really go up that much that quick?
Vapid_Ingenue t1_iu55oo2 wrote
Reply to comment by Mother-Ad-8142 in Richmond's Bi-Weekly Restaurant Thread by Danger-Moose
You've convinced me. Going there tomorrow night
Vapid_Ingenue t1_itmfset wrote
Reply to Apparently abandoned car at the St Mary’s Maple ave offices garage. I’ve been going there for several years for pain management and this has been there for quite awhile. Reported it today after seeing it for at least my last 6 visits. Details in the pic. by ITMORON
The stone that lieth not in your way need not offend you
Vapid_Ingenue t1_itcwjtp wrote
Reply to Joining the Community by Ktyykt
Welcome to RVA! Scrolling through some of the previous posts will give you a ton of ideas
Vapid_Ingenue t1_j0upc6n wrote
Reply to comment by WoodwickVonRazzle in Facebook parent Meta adding to Henrico footprint with code-named ‘Project Tropical’ data center - Richmond BizSense by Charlesinrichmond
QTS also has another few buildings going up. They're putting in another substation as well