VermontArmyBrat t1_jebppof wrote
Reply to comment by joeconn4 in Vermont House considers increasing DMV fees by FearandLoathinginBTV
Toll roads that exist today were toll roads before the interstate system was created. Or, built after the interstate system but not using any Federal money. Tolls can not be added in VT as they were not toll roads before the interstate system was built. And, if we could the tolls would have to pay the full cost of maintenance as the current 90% from feds would end.
VermontArmyBrat t1_je3261v wrote
Reply to comment by ranaparvus in PSA: Starbucks on Shelburne Rd in South Burlington is only unionized Starbucks in VT by willynillyslide
He is still testifying. Tomorrow.
VermontArmyBrat t1_je03k66 wrote
Reply to comment by 71802VT in Why Is My Ben and Jerry's Made In the Netherlands? by thediscjoker
Dutch. Unilever is a Dutch & English company. Originally formed when one British company merged with one Dutch company. The current headquarters being London, England.
VermontArmyBrat t1_jdydwsx wrote
Reply to comment by lantonas in Former governor Jim Douglas sues Middlebury College over chapel name removal by flounder19
Sure that makes sense.
Hitlers vacation hideaway was turned into a retreat for American soldiers and their dependents to vacation at. One of Sadam Husseins palaces was turned into a school that allows women where all classes are in English. This seems better than simply destroying things.
VermontArmyBrat t1_jdv891j wrote
Reply to comment by landodk in Do you all think Town Meeting Days are good? by splishysplash123
It was simply a comment about my situation. You assume every teacher that works in my school district (which comprises Bolton, Huntington, Richmond, Jericho, and Underhill) lives in one of the towns in the district. My guess is many do not.
VermontArmyBrat t1_jdta4yk wrote
Reply to comment by Decembergardener in Do you all think Town Meeting Days are good? by splishysplash123
My kids never had class on town meeting day. We use the school for town meeting so I assume teachers have the day off. It’s usually part of a winter break with school out for a week.
Also, it’s a state holiday.
VermontArmyBrat t1_jcvp1t7 wrote
Reply to comment by GrubSprings in We're #3. Not a yay. by RedRipeTomato
Clickbait. Wallethub is like buzzfeed.
VermontArmyBrat t1_jcvox8e wrote
Reply to comment by dnstommy in We're #3. Not a yay. by RedRipeTomato
I was born here. Currently working here. Plan to retire here in about a year.
VermontArmyBrat t1_jb383bk wrote
Reply to comment by Trajikbpm in Small town corruption at its finest by Trajikbpm
Selectboard is one word.
VermontArmyBrat t1_jb0bbax wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Ethan Parke: Senate bill offers health insurance to legislators, but not to other Vermonters by futurerecordholder
My error - I miscalculated the lodging
VermontArmyBrat t1_jb09b6e wrote
Reply to comment by thisoneisnotasbad in Ethan Parke: Senate bill offers health insurance to legislators, but not to other Vermonters by futurerecordholder
They get $743/week during the session. The session runs from January to April, with the exact end date varying based on the progress of legislation, governor vetos, etc. They are in regular session four days a week, not five, so your lodging math is off. They only get lodging if they stay in Montpelier - most commute and therefore do not get that.
Their pay is below the state average for salaries and is seasonal with no benefits. This is why it tends to be a bunch of fairly well-off people that can afford to be away from their regular jobs. Just this year a state rep lost her job because her employer was not willing/able to let her be away to serve.
VermontArmyBrat t1_jaymihp wrote
Reply to comment by Otto-Korrect in Ethan Parke: Senate bill offers health insurance to legislators, but not to other Vermonters by futurerecordholder
Are you aware of how much they are paid?
VermontArmyBrat t1_j9m9tao wrote
Reply to Looks like Stowe is now in the Rocky Mountains! Spotted this flyover clip in the show Resident Alien (S2E5 @ 13:30) by WannabeWonk
Hold up. I watch resident alien, excellent show! I missed this detail.
VermontArmyBrat OP t1_j8tk2en wrote
Reply to comment by BothCourage9285 in Top story in the Burlington Free Press? Fire prevention in Rhode Island. by VermontArmyBrat
Someone else mentioned how big a story it was and the fact that it may have impacted Vermonters due to not being that far away or affected building codes here. All true. But this story is specific to the state of RI and talks about towns in RI failing to properly inspect buildings in RI. Here is a link that bypasses the firewall of anyone wants to read it
VermontArmyBrat OP t1_j8tjc0d wrote
Reply to comment by BothCourage9285 in Top story in the Burlington Free Press? Fire prevention in Rhode Island. by VermontArmyBrat
Not that it helps for actual breaking news like fire calls etc, but I’ve found the best way to get local new is using Google news alerts. I use mostly for work, but I have some for my town. Put in the relevant keywords and it finds the stories for you.
And on Twitter I have alerts for various accounts like 511vt and a few news orgs (not the clickbait corporate out of state owned ones)
VermontArmyBrat OP t1_j8rejh5 wrote
Reply to comment by quinnbeast in Top story in the Burlington Free Press? Fire prevention in Rhode Island. by VermontArmyBrat
I don’t read or pay BFP. I used to, back in the day. I do get their daily email (along with seven days, VTDigger and VPR); I track them all for work.
I used to follow all of the local tv news channels on Twitter for work. I had to shut that shit down a while back as they all started tweeting out nonstop crap that, more often than not, is not local. Usually with nice short clickbait titles.
I still follow local reporters, which can also be annoying because since they are real people often involves their pets, kids, vaccinations etc.
VermontArmyBrat t1_j8otcrq wrote
Reply to comment by Bradcopter in Northfield's Police Chief Takes Flak for His Provocative Public Stances by BudsKind802
This. I make choices all the time to not use businesses or contractors that I know have views I don’t agree with. But I don’t have that option when dealing with a public official.
VermontArmyBrat t1_j7x2z2m wrote
I used SunCommon. Very pleased. As I recall sunrun leases vs sells. If that’s still the case, research the pros and cons of leasing. As in, if you try to sell your house, what happens to the panels.
VermontArmyBrat t1_j7liagd wrote
I’m in a 3500 square foot house. About 15 years old well insulated. We use propane for hot water, heat (radiant on first floor and radiator on second floor), cook stove and clothes dryer. For the last 5 years or so we have done a pre buy and we use about 800 gallons per year. Winter indoor temps set at 68 when home, 64 when not home and when sleeping (controlled by smart thermostats in three zones).
VermontArmyBrat t1_j44g4yv wrote
Anyone surprised the lease is being assumed by a Bove?
VermontArmyBrat t1_j2ecixm wrote
Reply to Verizon alternates in Vermont? by ShalacoOne
I’m using US Mobile. It use’s Verizon so same coverage. Significantly less expensive.
Before this I used Ting for years but their service became unreliable after being sold to Dish Network. I think Ting uses T-Mobile.
VermontArmyBrat t1_j2dhmwz wrote
Reply to comment by microtoastt in How is living in Vermont? by RockLobsterCakes
This comment. I’m fairly certain the percent of negative people here far outweighs real life. And don’t forget the grass is always greener saying, in that many of the negative comments about living in VT seem to come from people that never lived anywhere else.
I was born in VT. When I was young my father joined the Army. We then lived in KY (two separate times about 3 years each), MD, Germany (two separate times, different cities 5 years total). When I graduated HS in MD and my father was being sent to KY a third time I was like nope. I’m done. I stayed in MD, worked various jobs lived in several cities. Then got a transfer to NY and lived there for a couple years. I returned to VT about 25 years ago. And I love it.
Expensive? Yes, property taxes are lower in other states. Crime? Yes we have that, but less than nearly every other state. Quality of life? Yes, it’s better here. Especially if you actually get and do things. Housing hard to find? Yes, but a simple Google search tells us that’s not unique to VT. Would I rather never again have to shovel snow or change tires? Yes, but not if requires living somewhere that’s hot and humid half the year.
VermontArmyBrat t1_j29ii01 wrote
Reply to comment by bleahdeebleah in We need little Cesar’s to start spreading throughout VT by hunny_bun_24
My bad. We buy the pizza dough balls that are in most grocery stores. Often times the only dough in the store is still partially frozen.
You are correct on the prebaked crusts. But those are barely better than little Cesar
VermontArmyBrat t1_j29ewxc wrote
Reply to comment by bleahdeebleah in We need little Cesar’s to start spreading throughout VT by hunny_bun_24
It takes well more than a minute if you are doing it right, rest the dough at room temp, etc. Oven needs to be real hot. I managed multiple dominos back in the day and then I owned my own place for a few years, so yes it is easy to make a pizza if you have the ingredients but it’s also a bit messy and time consuming, hence the reason people buy pizza out.
But also, yes little Cesar’s sucks. On the other hand, it is a franchise so anyone could open one should they chose
VermontArmyBrat t1_jebq5u7 wrote
Reply to comment by joeconn4 in Vermont House considers increasing DMV fees by FearandLoathinginBTV
A NY ezpass, which is what I use does not have an annual fee. You pay a deposit for the device which is refunded when you return it. No annual fee. I once got a NJ ezpass after learning it would save me $ on the NJ turnpike only to discover it had a monthly fee to keep it. The ny pass does not.