
Vermonter623 t1_irr9vb5 wrote

I just wish they would have been truthful with us from the start. I didn’t mind conglomerating schools because eventually all kids end up at a union high school so why aren’t we doing union grade schools? With enrollment going down we should really look to get rid of this wasteful system of districts


Vermonter623 t1_irpbd2j wrote

This happened in the town I live in. We had about 50-60 kids in k-6 grade school. We were told combine with two other towns and it will save us all money on property taxes as well as overall burden. Otherwise state stops helping fund. Ok. I’m for saving money and having 12 kids in class instead of 8 was fine by me as the teacher my son had would be moving up a grade and going to the new school. The reality is they kept two of the three schools open and my property taxes went up. Not down. None of the three schools were big enough to take all 7 grades of the three towns. The real problem is the excessive school districting and with it the excessive pay that the superintendents and staff make that are sucking valuable money away from teachers and teachers support staff. We have 60 districts in this state which is just ridiculous and with that 60 supers and staff. We could really cut that number down as they don’t actually help but jay create more barriers for teachers to teach to their classes