Vermonter623 t1_ix1361z wrote
Vermont federal all day!! I had nefcu and they were worse than a shitty big bank
Vermonter623 t1_ix12f92 wrote
Reply to Open Discrimination within the Agency of Human Services -- State Funded Abuse of a Vulnerable Population by lindrios
You are describing government bloat and waste that conservatives always complain about. And for good reason. These lazy state employees are more than happy to take a basically free paycheck every week but lord forbid they actually do anything that would benefit real people they aren’t related to. But don’t you dare take their wasteful pensions that we are stuck footing the bill for
Vermonter623 t1_ix09hzv wrote
Reply to comment by Goldentongue in Police look for man who was wielding swords at the U-Mall. Calls off hunt after he informed them he bought them at U-Mall. by flipz444
Former Alabamian turned Vermont resident. FTFY
Vermonter623 t1_ix093x9 wrote
Reply to Vermont Native by brymandog
There are a lot of douchebag landlords who own land in Vermont and live elsewhere. They take complete advantage of all the trend hoppers who flooded here for the instagram likes. My buddy was renting a shithole apartment I used to rent when I was younger. He moves out to live with a girl and when things weren’t going great he saw it was vacant only this time around she wants $1350 a month with nothing included instead of the $500 he was paying which was up from the $400 I paid. This shit should be illegal
Vermonter623 t1_iwz91m2 wrote
Reply to comment by kosmonautinVT in My New Favorite Past Time: Hyping up Dad When he Shoots a Deer by KaleChipp11
Vermonter623 t1_iwz8ywb wrote
Reply to comment by roborob11 in My New Favorite Past Time: Hyping up Dad When he Shoots a Deer by KaleChipp11
Not where I am apparently
Vermonter623 t1_iwsd6i0 wrote
Reply to comment by random_vermonter in Spotted in rural northwest VT by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF
Yet didn’t Brandon mumble something about fining gas companies. But hey at least upper middle class white people were give a mulligan on student debt or wait. No never mind
Vermonter623 t1_iwsc0fe wrote
Reply to comment by random_vermonter in Spotted in rural northwest VT by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF
At least gas was cheap and it cost $200 a month less to heat my house
Vermonter623 t1_iwsbw9y wrote
Reply to comment by captainogbleedmore in Spotted in rural northwest VT by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF
At its root ableism assumes that the person in question requires fixing. There is no fixing dark mat Brandon.
Vermonter623 t1_iwrxiax wrote
Reply to comment by bigmountainbig in Spotted in rural northwest VT by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF
It’s funny because of the dementia.
Vermonter623 t1_iwrpvn7 wrote
Reply to Spotted in rural northwest VT by AOx3_VSS_IDGAF
That’s hilarious.
Vermonter623 t1_iwl1l2f wrote
Reply to Vermont DOT Plow finder map by cassady_forever
Vermont isn’t bad at snow removal. You are all just too used to a life of convenience. Vermont has a ton of dirt roads and main roads that require year round maintenance. Couple that with a small tax base and just enough money in the yearly budget for the bare minimum employees. For what we have I believe we are getting exactly what we pay for
Vermonter623 t1_iwi9n1o wrote
Reply to comment by Meow_Meow_4_Life in Vermont DOT Plow finder map by cassady_forever
We had so many people flooding here with so little common sense that taxpayers actually had to fund this
Vermonter623 t1_iwhir9d wrote
Reply to Vermont DOT Plow finder map by cassady_forever
Remember all you flatlanders that just had to move here. DON’T CROWD THE PLOW!!!
Vermonter623 t1_iwbx5jd wrote
Reply to Purchasing Venison for the holidays by vtbb
Try the deer farm in middlebury
Vermonter623 t1_iw86pwv wrote
Reply to comment by somedudevt in Rifle season starts this weekend. A reminder to wear orange. by Significant_Guava881
They were definitely hunters in this case. A friend of a friend told me they were driving deer down there last year as it is a pretty well known spot for locals. I know one of the guys is a wet brain that was doing it so the empty beer cans tracks
Vermonter623 t1_iw79c8k wrote
Reply to comment by potroast1251 in Rifle season starts this weekend. A reminder to wear orange. by Significant_Guava881
I left mine unposted for years. I ended up posting it because a couple morons decided to throw a bunch of beer cans in my woods. That was the end of that
Vermonter623 t1_iw72z46 wrote
Reply to Catalytic converter by Zestyclose_Ad3489
Someone stole the cats off the bus for the senior center in forestdale. The cats were so expensive to replace that now they are without a way to transport the elderly there and the driver is out of a job. It’s a sad state of affairs
Vermonter623 t1_iw726h7 wrote
Reply to good contractors in the area? by PassionsBite
Living in Vermont means being inclined and independent. There are not and never were a ton of tradespeople in the area due to the fact that 30 years ago it was mostly small family farms and farmers in my experience rarely could afford to hire out help for anything
Vermonter623 t1_iw7144u wrote
A friendly reminder. If your land isn’t posted it is fair game for hunters.
Vermonter623 t1_iw2pikr wrote
Thanks for trying to bring some San Francisco culture with you but The only metric natives use is when my girl says it’s cold and then glares at me.
Vermonter623 t1_ivz1xyp wrote
I believe it
Vermonter623 t1_ivuca7s wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in Just moved to Vermont and I am in awe of its beauty 😍 by ThalassaLuna
I can’t wait til people find out why the guy they bought their house from sold it. Dumbasses
Vermonter623 t1_ivu8904 wrote
The type of people I see moving here is even more troubling. Vermont has always been open minded not because of wide spread liberalism but because of the equal distribution of very average people. We are now seeing a huge influx of the ultra left wing,Ukraine flag in twitter profile/ eco warrior moving in and bulldozing a mountain for their new yurt so they can complain about slavery being bad on their phones which were made using actual slavery. Or the trustafarians who come here to ‘homestead’
Vermonter623 t1_ix15r9a wrote
Reply to comment by lindrios in Open Discrimination within the Agency of Human Services -- State Funded Abuse of a Vulnerable Population by lindrios
I honestly feel sorry for you. A lot of these people that own these motels are from shithole countries that are grossly overpopulated and filled to the brim with trash. They don’t treat other very well as they are treated like trash themselves. I stayed in a motel owned by said people and it was fucking disgusting.