Vertigo963 t1_j12nsoh wrote
Reply to comment by Hand-O-Deft in Progressive leader Eleana Little announces bid for Hudson County executive by jimmybot
/u/podkayne3000 didn't say the thing for which you are criticizing him or her. That user stated that his or her view is that the DeGise critics are bad and he or she doesn't want to support them. No statement about what the best strategy is, just a totally reasonable statement about personal political preferences.
Vertigo963 t1_j114rkc wrote
Reply to comment by rufsb in Progressive leader Eleana Little announces bid for Hudson County executive by jimmybot
Yeah. Who the hell voted for Rob Menendez? The same people will presumably be turning out in droves for another machine politician.
Vertigo963 t1_j08ags1 wrote
Reply to comment by gamerdudeNYC in What salary is needed to live comfortably in a studio apartment in Jersey City? by Venomtris
You shared highly personal information that is relevant to OP's question and your reward was a downvote (not from me). Isn't reddit great?
Vertigo963 t1_izgbzfi wrote
Reply to Thieves walk out of Downtown Jersey City Best Buy with $20K in Apple products by imaluckyduckie
Watch out guys - there may be police at Best Buy now, so make sure you wait a while to shoplift!
Just keeping my community safe.
Vertigo963 t1_iyi6ku7 wrote
Reply to Who are these fuckers? | Anti-Muslim imagery displayed during incident at Muslim Center of Middlesex County by ta201608
Actual pictures of a murderous terror attack carried out by radical Islamists are not "anti-Muslim imagery." If someone wants to hold those pictures up to remind everyone about a past attack, that's their right.
Kudos to the congregation at the mosque that did exactly the right thing by refraining from violence.
Vertigo963 t1_iyatwit wrote
Reply to comment by JCwhatimsayin in Corrupted Jersey City Property Taxes by NTend7777
It's a hard situation for JC property owners. On the one hand, being human, I'm sure most of them want children in the public schools to receive a fair education. On the other hand, it's pretty clear JC public schools suck ass and the large amounts of money being levied are not being spent well.
Vertigo963 t1_ixoahz5 wrote
56 for 300mbps Verizon FIOS.
Vertigo963 t1_iv4n3qw wrote
Reply to Court rejects bid to overturn Jersey City plan to designate area of Downtown for redevelopment by Ajkrouse
Interesting to hear that cinderblock walls and undersized lots, which probably describe 85% of the houses in Hudson county, are signs of urban blight. I guess the expectation is that everyone should buy brownstones with their trust fund money.
Vertigo963 t1_iuidbix wrote
Reply to comment by Wildwilly54 in I always wondered why. About time we caught up with the other states. by ralbsy
Something like half the residents of New Jersey were born somewhere else.
Vertigo963 t1_iug4efx wrote
Reply to comment by You_Are_All_Diseased in ASPCA had my friend's "reported lost" microchipped cat. They rehomed it to another family and tried to get the microchip changed. Now another family own's the cat. by [deleted]
I dunno. If there is a reasonable amount of proof of ownership (e.g., recent vet bills) and the owner is willing to contact police and spend money on a lawyer, I would tend to think the owner could recover the cat.
Vertigo963 t1_iufulxm wrote
So fucking annoying. The attendant is so slow and then you have to give them your zip code for some machines.
Vertigo963 t1_iucgw1v wrote
Reply to comment by SpaceGhost113 in What’s going on with Amy? by sadlunchesaresad
Aren't the DeGise family basically Republicans who have decided to register as Democrats for career reasons? Amy DeGise's father blamed the "radical left" for criticism of his daughter.
Vertigo963 t1_iu5dd3r wrote
Reply to comment by G_Funk_Error in Why would we send another Menendez to DC? We deserve better and this is why Democrats will lose more ground. by oneofmanypeople7
I think of Steven M. Fulop as someone who would have his glory hole cleaned meticulously.
Vertigo963 t1_iu50aed wrote
Reply to comment by YetiSherpa in Why would we send another Menendez to DC? We deserve better and this is why Democrats will lose more ground. by oneofmanypeople7
I'm in the same boat. Unfortunately, many of the other candidates seem unpalatable as well. Seriously considering the communist.
Vertigo963 t1_iu3cjhe wrote
Reply to comment by STMIHA in Why would we send another Menendez to DC? We deserve better and this is why Democrats will lose more ground. by oneofmanypeople7
I shuddered reading this, but in the interest of understanding differing political views, what do you think the best arguments are for Menendez Junior?
Vertigo963 t1_it8ouhp wrote
And the interior signs are also working? It's like you won the lottery.
Vertigo963 t1_isz254g wrote
This map definitely expresses my views on this subject.
Vertigo963 t1_isbqre8 wrote
Reply to comment by JerseyCityGeordie in Tax savings of moving to JC from NYC by InternetMedium4325
OK. Everyone reading this (including all of us who moved to Jersey City to avoid the NYC income tax) can judge whether to believe (1) your statement that "if your company doesn’t have an NJ office you will still be aligned with your NYC office and have to pay NYC taxes" or (2) the website of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, which states "Nonresidents of New York City are not liable for New York City personal income tax" (
By the way, give a thought to whether the attitude you've displayed in this interaction is the one you want people to have generally online. I've tried to be polite and haven't downvoted you at all and you've just been consistently insulting and unwilling to discuss. In your defense, I blame Reddit quite a bit, as this format and the up/down arrows make real discussions difficult.
Vertigo963 t1_isbd292 wrote
Reply to comment by JerseyCityGeordie in Tax savings of moving to JC from NYC by InternetMedium4325
In addition to being rude and hostile, you've been pretty vague in your statements so far. Are you saying that persons who are not residents of New York City are nonetheless subject to New York City income tax? If so, when? Thanks.
Vertigo963 t1_is3ccnq wrote
Reply to comment by zero_cool_protege in Tax savings of moving to JC from NYC by InternetMedium4325
You're correct that a worker residing in NJ but working in NY State needs to file both NJ and NY State income tax returns. But the person you are responding to stated that such a worker needs to file and pay NY City income taxes, which is incorrect. In addition, you're not entirely correct when you say that this worker won't have to "pay both" - it's common that such a worker may owe money to both states, either because the worker has some NJ-only income (e.g., checking account interest) or because the NJ tax credit and the tax systems of the two states don't line up exactly right.
Vertigo963 t1_is1v5he wrote
Reply to comment by JerseyCityGeordie in Tax savings of moving to JC from NYC by InternetMedium4325
Whether I have a job or not, it's still the case that the NYC income tax applies only to residents of NYC. To the extent you have been advising your employer or your colleagues to the contrary, I'd urge you to retract that advice.
Vertigo963 t1_is0yin9 wrote
Reply to comment by JerseyCityGeordie in Tax savings of moving to JC from NYC by InternetMedium4325
This is just incorrect.
Vertigo963 t1_is0uvay wrote
Reply to comment by imaluckyduckie in Have a medical procedure at JCMC soon and need someone to escort me home…. How? by LostinAndalusia111
In my experience, someone coming out from under general anesthesia for an outpatient procedure is perfectly capable of using a cab within about an hour. Keep in mind, 95% of the time we're going to be talking about someone having extremely brief outpatient surgery. Which is why it's stupid to have a restrictive single rule for every case.
Vertigo963 t1_irwxg5c wrote
Reply to comment by imaluckyduckie in Have a medical procedure at JCMC soon and need someone to escort me home…. How? by LostinAndalusia111
The symptoms of general anesthesia fade pretty quickly, and I still don't see a good reason to legally bar people from getting a cab.
Vertigo963 t1_j1krstt wrote
Reply to Should we sell our car? by hourlongflyer
My wife and I use the car to visit family - it's much easier to do that by car than by any other means. Is that a concern?