No one knows. What one actually knows is that the heads of the other powers -- congress, senate, justice branch etc, including his allies, were very quick to ratify the results and congratulate Lula and the 'free, fair and credible elections'. It was an implicit, but very clear, "we won't help you with any shenanigans, shut up and take the L".
VicPL t1_iuk1vl6 wrote
Reply to comment by Someoneoverthere42 in Brazil's Bolsonaro maintains silence after Lula's election victory by Lionel54321
No one knows. What one actually knows is that the heads of the other powers -- congress, senate, justice branch etc, including his allies, were very quick to ratify the results and congratulate Lula and the 'free, fair and credible elections'. It was an implicit, but very clear, "we won't help you with any shenanigans, shut up and take the L".
So he'll probably just take the L eventually.