
Victor_Korchnoi t1_j6nylbs wrote

We absolutely need more frequency. But the fare issue is a major issue. From Roslindale (in Boston), you can take a bus to Forest Hills (in a bus lane) that comes 20+ times an hour and transfer to the Orange Line for $2.40. Or you can take the commuter rail for $6.50 one way, plus you might need to pay to transfer.

The vast majority of people opt to save $8.20 on their round trip and just take the bus to the subway. That’s why there are about 20,000 rides on the Washington St buses and only ~1,000 rides on the Needham line.


Victor_Korchnoi t1_j6hztol wrote

Reply to comment by Pyroechidna1 in South Station PSA by [deleted]

My bike was stolen right in front of MBTA security cameras. I’m not even sure if they’ve looked at them. Every time I called to check on my case, I was told they’d contact me if they found anything.


Victor_Korchnoi t1_j5e3xbu wrote

There are a lot of cost of living calculators around that will tell you that you Boston is 66% more expensive than Birmingham, which would say you need 191k. However, in my experience calculators like these break down for higher income people like yourself.

If you aren’t spending all of your salary, not all of your salary needs to be multiplied by the % change in COL.

It will depend on your personal finances, but I bet you will end up with more savings making 150-160 here than you were making 115 in AL. Your house will be smaller here, but a lot of other things (including schools) will be much nicer.


Victor_Korchnoi t1_j14jicg wrote

They’re not all shitty. There’s a large one in Roslindale that is well maintained, has a playground and basketball court and, and is right by Bostons largest park.