Videowulff OP t1_jdh6h7w wrote
Reply to comment by SanderStrugg in So BloodRayne (2006) was on Tubi and I decided to give it a watch... by Videowulff
That final battle where she and her dad just basically stand in one place but she is always spinning snd swinging super slowly as they "fight"... like this is the epic showdown and he is supposed to be a vampire lord and he is jusy standing their lazily blocking.
And still almost beats her. Like...what...
Videowulff t1_ja7b6pw wrote
Reply to Did anyone see Nope (2022) and now has an irrational fear of clouds? Because same. by OrdinaryAd5522
There was a story on tape I listened to as a wee kid. About 8 years old. About a little girl who loved looking at the clouds.
Then, one day, she looked up and noticed a face in the clouds. She thought it was just the shape but noticed that the longer she looked at it, the more real of a shape it seemed to get.
When she was going to school, she glanced up out of nervousness and noticed that the cloud was bad and now it was watching her. It had nestled between two other clouds, and she could see the stormy gray eyes watching her every movement, and worse of all, it had a very defined face now...
As the week went on, the sky grew darker and cloudier until one day she was at school and saw the face, no longer hiding partially, staring hungrily at her. She paniced and screamed and screamed. Her teachers could not calm her down, so her parents were called to pick her up.
As they drove home, a thick fog rolled through the town. She kept begging for her parents to stop driving and get inside, anywhere, but they thought she was being hysterical...
Then, out of the fog came the face. Its cloudy teeth parting as the car drove closer. She screamed as the sound of crunching metal and breaking glass defeaning her...
She woke up two days later in the hospital. She had been pulled out of the wreakage of their car, which was found wrapped around a tree. Doctors blamed the fog but were puzzled... puzzled by the fact her parents were nowhere to be found...
But she knew the truth...
The episode on this cassette ends with her looking outside to see a single cloud in the blue sky...and she could see that face, ill defined...staring at her... and licking its lips...
That made me terrified of clouds.
The short story Cloud Cover from the book The Walking Trees and Other Scary Stories by Roberta Simpson. It is on audio for digital download now.
Videowulff t1_ja6zs70 wrote
Reply to What are some forgotten spooky children's movies from the tough Disney (or not) era by WhereIsThatElephant
I was born for this discussion cracks knuckles
First of all, none of these are anything like Watership Down. These are not ultra violent movies but do have a lot of intense moments and darn subject matter
All Dogs Goto Heaven, Care Bears Movie (seriously that book is fcked up), Secret of Nimh, Land Before Time, Rockdoodle, American Tale, Hannah Barabara's Heidi's Song, Hannah Barbara's Rikki Tikki Tavi, Dark Crystal Labyrinth Scooby Doo Zombie's Island Last Unicorn BATMAN Mask of the Phantasm, Flight of the Dragons, The Animated Hobbit, Brave Little Toaster, Coraline, Paranormen, Who Framed Roger Rabbit The Witches
If you want some true spookiness. Find UNICO on Youtube. It is a cute anime movie about a baby unicorn that is hidden by the spirit of the Wind from the gods who wish to destroy it.
At one point, Unico finds a kitty who wants to be human. So unico grants her wish, turning her into a young woman. She gains the attention of a local prince who ends up being a horrid demon.
Unico is forced to battle it and it basically transforms into something that makes the Fantasia beast look like Big Bird.
The movie is not gory or anything but it is probably one of the darker children films I have ever seen. It was fantastic.
Scroll through it first to see if it is fitting.
Videowulff t1_j6kh14e wrote
Reply to comment by TrueLegateDamar in I just finally watched Bone Tomahawk last night by utopiandiorama
And Dead Birds
Videowulff t1_j6kgze9 wrote
Maybe I am just jaded from a life of horror movies, but I was constantly told by so many people and reddit how brutal that specific kill was. Now I did not know the specifics or anything so I kept waiting for somethinf absolutely horrific to happen. When the guy gets killed, I looked to my friend and asked if that was the scene and he excitedly confirmed.
Honestly all the nonstop hype about this scene led to it being a huge disappointment. Like, it was pretty sudden and brutal but not as violent as everyone kept saying it was...compared to Laid to Rest, The collection, or even moments in the Evil Dead remake, it just didn't live up to the hype...
If I had not been waiting for it or told about it and it just suddenly happened, it probably would have been a huge WOW moment but with everyone constantly bringing it up, it just made me go "oh...ok..."
Movie is still good. They dont pull punches with killing off characters which adds a lot to the tension and realism to the story. Acting was on point and the characters very likable. I give it all the credit it deserves otherwise.
Videowulff t1_ixxz70x wrote
Reply to “Grandma” by Me. by Leadjockey
Beware the stare of Mary Shaw. She had no children only dolls. And if you see her in your dreams, be sure you never, ever scream...
Or she will rip your tongue out at the seams...
Videowulff OP t1_ixk56pt wrote
Reply to comment by Ashamed_Ladder6161 in I dont think some people understood the difference between Riddler and Edward in THE BATMAN by Videowulff
Perfext. Just small stories with maybe the conclusion of Bruce exhausted...just sitting in front of the fireplace...and quietly talking tk Alfred...not about his job. Not about crime...
Just an actual 1 on 1 talk...
Videowulff OP t1_ixk4pew wrote
Reply to comment by Ashamed_Ladder6161 in I dont think some people understood the difference between Riddler and Edward in THE BATMAN by Videowulff
As much as I love these movies; I feel like we are getting dangerously cloae to Batman Fatigue. It is why I am really enjoying Suicide Squad and Peacemaker - those shows seem to embrace the absurdity of the worlds they are in. Have you tried Peacemaker yet?
Videowulff OP t1_ixk49qn wrote
Reply to comment by Ashamed_Ladder6161 in I dont think some people understood the difference between Riddler and Edward in THE BATMAN by Videowulff
Dude, I am actually 100% on this. Hell, even in the same vien of an anthology woth loose links together! A batman story, riddler one, joker, gordon, the regular cops.
That is a bitchin idea and now i am sad we never got that during the Uber Comic Book stylized phase we had for a there.
Videowulff OP t1_ixk43s5 wrote
Reply to comment by Lemonpicker77 in I dont think some people understood the difference between Riddler and Edward in THE BATMAN by Videowulff
It is all good.
Videowulff OP t1_ixk42bo wrote
Reply to comment by Ashamed_Ladder6161 in I dont think some people understood the difference between Riddler and Edward in THE BATMAN by Videowulff
That is omthe inherit problem with batman overall. When you really sit there and look at it, he is just a big guy in a silly bat costume. Nolan tried mixing the Armor with the Comic Look and for the most part, to me at least, it looks fine.
Batfleck's works better because we rarely see him surrounded by Normal people. He is usually in the shadows or fighting along others with just as silly costumes
I like Battinson's armor because it looks like it was cobbled together. Boots with belt buckles, chest armor, flight suit.. all random things he pieced together. I also like that its the first time we see him w actual makeup on around the eyes XD. I feel it is just Bat Enough to fit the character (without the mask its just body armor) but normal enough to not make you roll your eyes.
That said - 90s batmen movies were straight out of the cartoons and comics. Everything worked because everything qas ridculous and I love that. Like you said, it all fit well
Videowulff OP t1_ixk2x4p wrote
Reply to comment by Lemonpicker77 in I dont think some people understood the difference between Riddler and Edward in THE BATMAN by Videowulff
No no no. Not the movie itself. Just Paul Dano's scene in the interrogation. And I am not saying they are wrong at all. If they dont like it. Its fine. I am just offering a perspective on why he was shown as 2 different personas - one unhinged and one more Zodiac/riddler
If it sounded like I was telling people they are 100% wrong if they didnt like it, than I apologize.
Videowulff OP t1_ixk2qa0 wrote
Reply to comment by Ashamed_Ladder6161 in I dont think some people understood the difference between Riddler and Edward in THE BATMAN by Videowulff
That Chase was so much fun. Great camera work and I loved the very little use of cgi throughout.
The more I think about Nolan's Batman movies- there are a lot of great moments and they are beautifully shot and acted. But some spots just felt a bit off. Maybe a bad edit or bad dialogue choice. (Or Bale's bat voice).
For me, I am a bigger fan of the whole 'realistic' batman because I love seeing the Rogues protrayed as actual psychopaths who can exist. Make them feel like they belong in Se7en or Silence of the lambs.
That said, the Burton ones really capture the COMIC BOOK feel of Batman. Big set designs. Very gothic. Over the top moments and great musical scores. And I love them for that. I actually really like how Devito did Penguin and over time, I have really grown to appreciate how insanely wacky Jack was as Joker.
For me, it all depends on the type of Batman world they want. Comic Book versions fit wonderfully with the animated and the 90s movies.
Realistic ones work well with Nolan and Reeves.
I like seeing how every director protrays the universe in their vision. For better or worse.
Videowulff OP t1_ixk23bx wrote
Reply to comment by Lemonpicker77 in I dont think some people understood the difference between Riddler and Edward in THE BATMAN by Videowulff
No. You can have your opinion. But telling others to 'accept it" means you want them to stop enjoying it because it was bad in your opinion.
Videowulff OP t1_ixk1lym wrote
Reply to comment by Ashamed_Ladder6161 in I dont think some people understood the difference between Riddler and Edward in THE BATMAN by Videowulff
I may disagree with you on most of these fronts. I do, however, appreciate you actually providing a list instead of the generic "hurr it sucked". So thank you for the dialogue.
Videowulff OP t1_ixk0zwz wrote
Reply to comment by Lemonpicker77 in I dont think some people understood the difference between Riddler and Edward in THE BATMAN by Videowulff
It's now seen as bad? Are we doing that whole "people love it. Opps too popular. Now we must hate it." And when the next one comes out "You know, the last one was better?"
Videowulff t1_iu05uip wrote
Reply to Pastel drawing of Sprocket, a customer's dog sadly taken too soon. Hope you like it (OC) by alexflemingart
Great photo. Still would like to see the drawing ;3
Videowulff t1_isi2sie wrote
Reply to comment by 50-Lucky in The empty man by me by Sungref_-
I liked how everything felt BIGGER than what was going on. Like there were layers upon layers of that wrongness. Every time we think its something simple like a cult, we discover the next layer of a higher power in charge of everything.
It was almost lovecraftian with the sense of this otherworldly essence controlling this man's fate...
Videowulff t1_isht83b wrote
Reply to comment by 50-Lucky in The empty man by me by Sungref_-
I loved it. Very otherworldly, twisted, and just a constant sense of wrongness.
Videowulff t1_je24xas wrote
Reply to Paramount Sets 1980s Action Thriller ‘Bella’ With Samara Weaving by AliceTheMagicQueen
Samara is starring so I am seeing. I love her. She is just such a badass