VitaminPb t1_ixd9yq9 wrote
Reply to comment by Admiral_Fancypants in HVDC macrogrid would reduce climate pollutants and electricity costs while transmitting low-cost renewable power by manual_tranny
If you read it, they need buried lengths of 50-95 KM cable (big slop factor there, non trivial task to dig) to break even, and about 800+KM runs for non-buried cables. Those are very long cable runs.
VitaminPb t1_ix8om6g wrote
Reply to comment by Ghost273552 in TV’s True Crime Obsession Is Reaching a Tipping Point by HumanOrAlien
I hadn’t heard about him.
VitaminPb t1_ix6zglv wrote
Reply to comment by 0110010001100010 in Jack Daniel’s asks Supreme Court to hear dog toy dispute. Will they bite? by WREGnewschannel3
You misread what the name for the supposed toys was. I described something that looked like another thing with a different name.
VitaminPb t1_ix6806k wrote
Reply to comment by xantxant in Jack Daniel’s asks Supreme Court to hear dog toy dispute. Will they bite? by WREGnewschannel3
The argument is “We have a product consumers like. This product is playing off our product popularity to make sales and profit without being licensed.” Which is a valid claim.
Could I make a sell Tesla plushies or toys and call them “Telsa”?
VitaminPb t1_ix602tk wrote
Reply to comment by anasui1 in TV’s True Crime Obsession Is Reaching a Tipping Point by HumanOrAlien
The key is for producers to start funding more interesting crimes with twisty clues and evidence.
VitaminPb t1_iw5b5yu wrote
Reply to comment by dontcareitsonlyreddi in Alexa-Powered Side Table Mixes Drinks on Command by shakhawat0410
Apple would leave the service running for a number of years (3-5) for things like the HomePods.
Google would take the service up behind the barn and shoot it in the head. Like they recently bricked a bunch of FitBits.
We don’t know what Amazon will do, but they have been selling a lot of hardware to use that service and other companies have been using that service too.
VitaminPb t1_iw4wdef wrote
Reply to comment by OpinionBearSF in Volkswagen built a Star Trek captain’s chair that goes 12mph by Genevieves_bitch
Just like a car, the cup holder is the most important part.
VitaminPb t1_iw4w4p5 wrote
Reply to comment by seanbrockest in Volkswagen built a Star Trek captain’s chair that goes 12mph by Genevieves_bitch
Yeah, I think those noxious emissions will continue to follow you around.
VitaminPb t1_iw4vyre wrote
Reply to comment by Novatrixs in Volkswagen built a Star Trek captain’s chair that goes 12mph by Genevieves_bitch
Or in Las Vegas
VitaminPb t1_iw4rlvd wrote
Reply to comment by Quartziferous in Alexa-Powered Side Table Mixes Drinks on Command by shakhawat0410
Because according to what I’ve read, they are losing a ton of money on it.
VitaminPb t1_iw4it5l wrote
So what happens if Amazon shuts down the Alexa division like sounds is on the table. Will the Alexa services continue to function or will they get shut down also?
VitaminPb t1_ivnk26t wrote
Reply to comment by 045675327 in LG's latest display can be stretched by 20 percent | The 12-inch full-color display can be stretched to 14 inches. by chrisdh79
Time for Teletubbies!
VitaminPb t1_iutawq4 wrote
Reply to comment by BeowulfsGhost in Researchers show off iPhone and iPad brain-control tech in accessibility breakthrough. by SUPRVLLAN
A little of this, a little of that…
VitaminPb t1_itxen4n wrote
Reply to Facebook Segments Ads by Race and Age Based on Photos | Ads with teenage girls are mostly directed at men over 55, while white people see fewer ads with Black faces, a new study finds. by chrisdh79
I mean this is the whole point. You show ads that are more likely to get clicked to the people more likely to respond to them. You figure that out from statistical analysis of past behaviors. It isn’t like there is a deep dark conspiracy driving this.
VitaminPb t1_itf4m6q wrote
Reply to comment by leaky_wand in China is building a 40 gigawatt offshore wind farm, the biggest power plant in existence by mutherhrg
If they haven’t invaded Taiwan by the time they start building they will move a huge naval presence in to “protect” it.
VitaminPb t1_isr866a wrote
I like the offer for a 35% off coupon for a new device. Way to pump those sales numbers, boys!
Google: Do Evil.
VitaminPb t1_isdv6mr wrote
This article has precisely zero information about the batteries.
VitaminPb t1_is8ctkc wrote
VitaminPb t1_is1g1r1 wrote
Reply to comment by greenappletree in Big Googly Eyes Could Make Autonomous Cars Safer For Pedestrians by greenappletree
The robot eyes will look at the next target to warn them to run.
VitaminPb t1_irwdbxe wrote
Reply to comment by Bewaretheicespiders in UK to build first grid connected Fusion Power plant by noelcowardspeaksout
A quarter of a billion for a fusion design would be cheap. But yeah, this is just a press release of an announcement of a thought to begin thinking hard about it.
VitaminPb t1_irun5rm wrote
Reply to comment by HighAndFunctioning in Quantum windows mean machines can see millions of colours by Apart_Shock
It’s OK, she’s still great in the sack.
VitaminPb t1_ir7z6q1 wrote
Reply to comment by samcrut in Attack of the pizza-making robots by Gari_305
“Hey, Jimmy, adjust the cheese amount slider down a bit! All the way to the left. Same with the pepperoni. These pizzas with six slices of pepperoni and two ounces of cheese aren’t making enough profit!”
VitaminPb t1_ir7yj87 wrote
Reply to comment by Markqz in Russian Scientists Propose Plan to Launch Huge Advertisements Into Orbit Over Cities by kelev11en
Also, you would need separation and the orbital times to each side (north/south) for the satellite chain would be slightly different. You would probably start to get distortion within a day or less.
VitaminPb t1_ir7yabq wrote
Reply to comment by Sudden-Cat5805 in Russian Scientists Propose Plan to Launch Huge Advertisements Into Orbit Over Cities by kelev11en
Yeah. But season 2 was so amazing.
VitaminPb t1_ixni1b5 wrote
Reply to A cheap $200 solar-power plastic robot that destroys weeds, shows that global agriculture can dramatically reduce the chemicals used in farming, and reduce the 45% of crops lost to pests. by lughnasadh
Headline: 45% of crops lost to pests, this robot isn’t related to that at all!