VoraciousTrees t1_ivz2z4p wrote
Reply to TIFU ... by Drinking Alcohol Two Hours After Donating Blood, then Passing Out in a Tex-Mex Restaurant Bathroom by [deleted]
Also, don't have sex. You will pass out and it will be extremely awkward for everyone involved.
VoraciousTrees t1_iquhpxu wrote
Reply to comment by UnofficialSlimShady in Leaky ceiling, poked a hole in the ceiling with a screwdriver, and after 15 minutes the dripping stopped. What's going on? by UnofficialSlimShady
dehumidifier in the attic
VoraciousTrees t1_iqrpjmf wrote
So... Melanin grants resistance to ionizing radiation?
VoraciousTrees t1_ixaa843 wrote
Reply to comment by nem_erdekel in ‘Without enough Latvians, we won’t be Latvia’: eastern Europe’s shrinking population | Latvia’s population is 30% smaller than it was in 1990 and by 2050 numbers will be in decline in over half of Europe’s 52 countries. by mossadnik
Good enough jobs to have either:
One parent working and the other at home raising children.
Both parents working and able to afford fulltime childcare.