
Wa_wa_ouija t1_izecs88 wrote

I feel like April Ludgate from P&R when she planned all of the dumb meetings to happen on March 31st, because she thought it didn't exist.

Well, that's me. I have too much to do today to even attempt it lol. Going out to Waynesboro and will be fly fishing the South River. Then I need to be back home to clean and prep my house for a guest this weekend AND then it looks like Silversun Pickups with my buddy at the National. deep breath


Wa_wa_ouija t1_itzp6v7 wrote

Reply to comment by LiddyDolesHole in Thursdaily is here! by OopsImACrow

Ugh I had that a couple weeks ago! It was horrible and took almost 10 days to get out of me. I was seriously sick.

Hope you feel better soon and stay on it with expectorants so you don't get pneumonia.


Wa_wa_ouija t1_isyjxb0 wrote

To me atleast:

My jeep does not have space for all the things I want to do. It doesn't carry groceries well. I have never had the back seat in it and still can't put more than a weekends worth of camping shit in it.

It is very awkward to drive on road trips and is very uncomfortable. It is loud as fuck and hard to converse inside.

It guzzles gas and has a nice way of breaking down when I'd like it not to.

It doesn't go over 75 miles an hour before it shakes so badly that you legitimately fear for your life.

But I still love my jeep more than any vehicle I've ever owned. It's gotten me through some insane snow storms and up (and down) some very very sketchy mountain trails.

I have no idea why I love this thing, but I do. And most people will never understand my appreciation for such a shit vehicle lmfao.