Can you get a hose into the cleanout? You could try a drain bladder. They are cheap and easy to operate. Attach the bladder to a NEW hose and slide it down into the cleanout and turn on the hose. The bladder will inflate and seal the pipe while putting water pressure against the clog. With luck the clog will blast out to the main and your pipes will flow again.
Easy and cheap. Has saved our house and my neighbors.
Pay attention to what you are doing and make sure you don't flood your house or something. Good luck! I believe in you! Don't blame a stranger on the internet if your problem gets worse.
Waffles1010 t1_ital87b wrote
Reply to Massive clog of waste in the line has all drains in the house backing up, what should I do? by Caprine-Evisc
Can you get a hose into the cleanout? You could try a drain bladder. They are cheap and easy to operate. Attach the bladder to a NEW hose and slide it down into the cleanout and turn on the hose. The bladder will inflate and seal the pipe while putting water pressure against the clog. With luck the clog will blast out to the main and your pipes will flow again.
Easy and cheap. Has saved our house and my neighbors.
Some video I found and didn't watch. Should explain how to operate. Super easy.
Pay attention to what you are doing and make sure you don't flood your house or something. Good luck! I believe in you! Don't blame a stranger on the internet if your problem gets worse.